Happening Today: Mosque Shootings, Michael Cohen, Aspirin, Measles, Sam Smith, Warner Bros.


What to Know

  • New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern declared she would do everything in her power to deny the suspect a platform for his racist views

  • Taking a low-dose aspirin daily to prevent a heart attack or stroke is no longer recommended for adults 70 or over, according to guidelines

  • Grammy Award-winning singer-songwriter Sam Smith has come out as gender nonbinary

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NZ PM Vows to Deny Accused Mosque Gunman Notoriety He Seeks

The white supremacist accused of gunning down 50 people at two mosques in New Zealand has dismissed his lawyer and opted to represent himself at trial, prompting the prime minister to declare she would do everything in her power to deny him a platform for his racist views. Asked if she would like the trial to occur behind closed doors, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern demurred, saying that was not her decision to make. The gunman’s desire for infamy was made clear by the fact that he left behind a convoluted 74-page manifesto before the massacre and livestreamed footage of his attack on the Al Noor mosque. The video prompted widespread revulsion and condemnation. Facebook said it removed 1.5 million versions of the video during the first 24 hours after the massacre. But, Ardern expressed frustration the video remained available online, four days after the attack. Arden said she had received “some communication” from Facebook’s Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg on the issue. The prime minister has also spoken with British Prime Minister Theresa May about the importance of a global effort to clamp down on the distribution of such material.

Feds Can Post Info on FBI Raid of Trump’s Ex-Lawyer, Judge Rules

A judge directed prosecutors to publicly release documents related to the search warrant for last year’s FBI raids on the home and office of President Trump’s former lawyer, Michael Cohen. U.S. District Judge William H. Pauley III ordered redacted versions of the documents be released. Media organizations had requested access to the records. Pauley sentenced Cohen to three years in prison in December for crimes including lying to Congress and paying two women to stay silent about affairs they claimed to have had with Trump. Cohen, scheduled to report to prison in May, recently testified before Congress in open and closed hearings about his dealings with Trump over the past decade. In a statement, Cohen’s lawyer, Lanny Davis, said the impending release of the warrant furthers Cohen’s interest in “continuing to cooperate and providing information and the truth about Donald Trump and the Trump organization to law enforcement and Congress.”

Daily Aspirin to Prevent Heart Attacks No Longer Recommended

Taking a low-dose aspirin daily to prevent a heart attack or stroke is no longer recommended for adults age 70 or over, according to new guidelines. The American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association reversed previous guidance that recommended adults over the age of 50 take a baby aspirin a day to prevent cardiovascular problems. The change comes after a large international study found that routinely taking low-dose aspirin may actually be harmful for older people with no prior history of heart attack or stroke. The groups also agreed that the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding outweighs any heart benefits. The ACC and AHA reminded individuals that a healthy lifestyle is the most important way to prevent the onset of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, heart failure, and atrial fibrillation.

New Jersey Warns of Possible Measles Exposure at Newark Airport

A traveler with measles who flew into Newark Liberty International Airport from Aruba may have exposed other people to the highly contagious disease, health officials say. The traveler arrived in Terminal C at the airport on March 4, the New Jersey Department of Health said. Anyone who was in the airport between 9 p.m. on March 4 and 9:30 a.m. on March 5 may have been exposed to measles and, if infected, could develop symptoms as late as March 26, officials say. New Jersey residents identified as potentially exposed on the sick person’s flights will be notified by their local health departments. Anyone who suspects they’ve been exposed is urged to call a health care provider before going to a medical office to prevent additional spread of the disease, which is transmitted by airborne particles, droplets, and direct contact with the respiratory secretions of an infected person. Two doses of the measles vaccine are 97 percent effective in preventing measles, so health officials urge anyone who hasn’t been vaccinated to do so.

‘Not Male or Female’: Sam Smith Comes Out as Gender Nonbinary

Grammy Award-winning singer-songwriter Sam Smith has come out as gender nonbinary. “I’m not male or female. I think I float somewhere in between,” Smith said on actor Jameela Jamil’s new Instagram show, “I Weigh Interviews.” Smith said when he saw the words “nonbinary” and “genderqueer” and heard people speak about these identities, which are used to describe those who identify as neither exclusively male nor female, he thought, “F–ck, that’s me.” While many nonbinary and gender-nonconforming individuals prefer to use the gender-neutral pronouns “they” and “them,” several news reports claim Smith still prefers male pronouns, like “he” and “him.” While this is the first time Smith has explicitly identified as nonbinary, the performer has previously talked about his gender identity lacking a label.

Warner Bros. Chair Out After Sexual Misconduct Allegations

Warner Bros. chairman and CEO Kevin Tsujiharaannounced he would be stepping down from his post two weeks after an explosive Hollywood Reporter article that alleged he promised acting roles in exchange for sex. The article includes text messages between British actress Charlotte Kirk and Tsujihara going back to 2013 when they were introduced by Australian billionaire James Packer at the Hotel Bel Air past midnight. Packer and his business partner Brett Ratner were close to closing a production deal with the studio at the time. The messages suggest a quid pro quo sexual relationship between the aspiring actress and the studio head in which he made promises that he’d introduce her to influential executives and she’d be considered for roles in movies and television. They also show she was determined to hold Tsujihara, Packer and Ratner accountable. Following the article WarnerMedia said it would investigate the claims. In making his announcement Tsujihara addressed the claims indirectly.

Source : Nbcnewyork