Harvard Removes Dean Who Will Represent Weinstein in Rape Trial


A Harvard College dean who will act as Harvey Weinstein’s attorney in his upcoming rape trial has been removed.

Harvard will not renew the appointment of Ronald S. Sullivan Jr. and his wife Stephanie Robinson when their term ends on June 30, according to a statement released by the university.

The statement, which is signed by Dean Rakesh Khurana, stated that students and staff have come forward with concerns about the “climate in Winthrop House.” Actions taken to improve that climate were deemed ineffective, and “the noticeable lack of faculty dean presence during critical moments has further deteriorated the climate in the house.”

Sullivan and his wife serve as faculty advisors for the Winthrop House, one of Harvard’s undergraduate dorms. When the two were named to the post in 2009, they were the university’s first African American faculty deans.

As faculty dean, Sullivan lives among students and could field reports of sexual assault, according to the Boston Globe.

“This is a regrettable situation and a very hard decision to make,” Khurana said in the statement.

Sullivan released a statement Saturday evening saying he is surprised and dismayed by Harvard’s decision.

“We will now take some time to process Harvard’s actions and consider our options,” the statement said.

Sullivan also apologized to the students living in Winthrop House for adding more stress to an already stressful time.

Sullivan has worked with other big names in the past, including former Patriots player Aaron Hernandez.

Weinstein, a Hollywood film producer and co-founder of the film company Miramax, heads to trial in the fall to face rape charges. He is accused by dozens of women of sexual assault, harassment and rape.

Source : Nbcnewyork