Has your household’s financial situation changed since the pandemic began? Share your story


For better or worse, it has also affected the finances of many households.

CNN Business wants to show what the pandemic economy looks like in a new photo essay.

If you have been affected financially by the pandemic, or if your work situation has changed as a result, we want to hear your story.

Examples may include, but are not limited to:

  • having lost employment
  • retiring early
  • getting a pay rise
  • leaving a job for better pay, benefits or working conditions elsewhere
  • leaving a job to address child care or other care needs at home
  • striking at work
  • working in the supply chain and dealing with the current backlogs and delays
  • a small business owner who is struggling to find workers
  • being able to sell a property in America’s hot housing market
  • being unable to afford a home because of high prices
  • feeling the burden of rising inflation
  • earning more money than before the pandemic thanks to investments

Source : CNN