Here’s Our Dream Cast for the Inevitable Tiger King TV Show


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You can’t look anywhere on the internet lately without stumbling on someone talking about Netflix’s hit docuseries Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem, and Madness. With a phenomenon like this, talk of adapting the story as a TV show or a movie was basically inevitable. (Kate McKinnon is already executive producing and starring in one, for the record.)

Proving just how wide a reach this show has, everyone from Rob Lowe to Edward Norton has expressed interest in taking on Joe Exotic himself, which makes sense — an eccentric, campy role like that would be pure catnip for any actor to sink their teeth into. Several of the people who actually appeared in the docuseries have also weighed in on who they’d want to play them, suggesting names like Matthew McConaughey and Brandon Baker.

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The internet has been having fun debating who they’d want to bring a Tiger King dramatization to life, so TV Guide got in on the action. Our staff sounded off on our own dream cast and came to a consensus. We also included our runners-up, because there are no rules to any of this — and, yeah, maybe we’re pretty proud of our inspired choices.

Click through the gallery below to check out TV Guide’s complete cast list.

Source : TVGuide