How financial therapists are helping investors manage stressful money problems



Don’t miss these top money and investing features:

Stories hitting home with MarketWatch readers this past week include a feature from our Best New Ideas in Money series looking at why many people are turning to psychotherapists with financial expertise for help with personal finance and money issues. Plus, why the U.S. stock market’s poor track record in September is no reason to sell shares, whether gold’s stumble is momentary or something more serious, and ways to use ETFs effectively in your portfolio.

— Jonathan Burton

Why the best person to turn to for money advice may be a psychotherapist

Financial therapy cuts straight to the emotional core of our bad money habits
Why the best person to turn to for money advice may be a psychotherapist

The explosion of ‘alternative’ data gives regular investors access to tools previously employed only by hedge funds

Traditional money managers are scouring the world for information to gain an edge as indexing takes over.
The explosion of ‘alternative’ data gives regular investors access to tools previously employed only by hedge funds

5 reasons why you shouldn’t dump stocks just because September is here

U.S. market’s historically worst month may not live up to its reputation, writes Mark Hulbert.
5 reasons why you shouldn’t dump stocks just because September is here

Here’s why sour consumer sentiment could sweeten stocks

Consumer confidence is a contrarian indicator for the U.S. market, writes Mark Hulbert.
Here’s why sour consumer sentiment could sweeten stocks

Running on empty? Energy is making up less and less of the S&P 500

Energy is making up less and less of the broad stock index, but that means different things for different funds.
Running on empty? Energy is making up less and less of the S&P 500

I ran this checkup on my stock-market investments because I’m worried about recession

This early retiree looks at 3 steps to weatherproof your finances.
I ran this checkup on my stock-market investments because I’m worried about recession

Gold’s big drop is just the beginning of a longer slide

Gold market-timing sentiment is overly bullish, writes Mark Hulbert.
Gold’s big drop is just the beginning of a longer slide

Investors turn to credit derivatives amid fears of liquidity freeze in next market crisis

Concerns about illiquidity in corporate debt trading are leading some money managers to look to credit derivatives as a way of swiftly moving in and out of their positions when the next downturn hits.
Investors turn to credit derivatives amid fears of liquidity freeze in next market crisis

What to expect if your financial adviser decides to become a solo practitioner

It’s wise to be careful and conscientious about leaving a big firm to go independent.
What to expect if your financial adviser decides to become a solo practitioner

How to use ETFs to create a diversified portfolio

Here’s everything you need to know to invest in exchange-traded funds.
How to use ETFs to create a diversified portfolio

Source : MTV