How Jessica Alba Gets Bikini-Body Ready


As one of the most sought-after leading ladies of the early aughts, Jessica Alba was known for her incredible figure. Now as the mom of daughters Honor, 10, and Haven, 7, and 12-month old son Hayes — and the entrepreneur behind a billion-dollar business — the 37-year-old still has a bikini body to die for. But it’s no secret that she works hard for her covetable curves: After the birth of her son, she squeezed in three workouts a day to snap back into shape. Here are the star’s get-fit secrets to help you lose 10 pounds fast.

Eat This, Not That
When she wants to lose weight, Alba focuses on what she’s putting into her body just as much moving it. “With exercise, I get a little more toned and I definitely feel stronger, but my diet is much more important if I’m trying to slim down,” she has shared. “In that case, I don’t eat gluten, dairy or processed foods. I try to stick to a diet that’s low in sugar and carbs, and high in lean proteins and vegetables.”

Find Balance
When it comes to making the right choices, Alba loves the advice of health consultant Kelly LeVeque, who she credits with helping her lose 11 inches in six weeks. LeVeque recommends a protein-based smoothie with avocado, chia seeds, spinach and nut milk to start the day. For the rest of your meals, make sure your plate has four things: protein, healthy fat, fiber and greens, a combination she says regulates hunger hormones and optimizes blood-sugar balance. Examples? Beef stir-fry with broccolini, or zucchini noodles topped with meatballs and Parmesan cheese — who needs burgers and hot dogs?

Healthy You! Magazine

Break a Sweat
Celeb trainer Ramona Braganza, who has worked with Alba for more than a decade, created the 321 Training Method, designed to get actors camera-ready in limited time with limited equipment, so they can get results wherever they are. The one-hour workout is made up of three cardio segments, two circuits of strength training and one core element. Says Braganza, “Time management is key. … Everything is arranged to keep the heart rate elevated, calories burning and muscles building!”

Focus on the Booty
“I hate doing one-legged squats with weights. I hate plyometrics. Any jumping or squatting… I want to die,” Alba admits. But given the glutes are the biggest muscle in the body, Braganza says it’s crucial to make a conscious effort during training to connect with them. She explains, “You should feel them tightening up when doing squats, step-ups, kicks and lunges. Squeeze the glutes throughout the move.” And that’s how you get a beach body à la Alba!

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Source : USmagazine