How to Help Survivors of the Indonesia Earthquake and Tsunami


The eastern Indonesian island of Sulawesi was hit with a 7.5-magnitude earthquake on Friday and a subsequent tsunami that hurled water as high as 20 feet over the city of Palu. Officials said Monday evening that more than 1,200 people had been confirmed killed.

Residents of Palu have spent the last few days identifying their dead. Since the disasters, stores have been looted, residents have gone hungry and there have been mass jail breaks.

Some nonprofit organizations and charities have mobilized to bring relief to the island. If you want to help those affected by the earthquake and tsunami, here is some guidance, and a list of some of the organizations involved in recovery efforts.

Sending money is usually the most efficient way to help in a disaster, experts say. Sending goods like water bottles and canned and dry food can be helpful, but there’s a risk that the items will be misplaced or forgotten. It might also take more time to get the goods to people with immediate needs.

Regardless of this guide or what is donated, it is important to research a charity or organization before donating. The website Charity Navigator grades charities based on transparency, accountability and financial health.

After responding to the August earthquake in Lombok, Indonesia, Americares is sending emergency response experts from the United States and Jakarta to assess the damage and needs of those in Palu, and assist their partner organizations responding to the crisis.

Mercy Corps has also been in Indonesia responding to the August earthquake in Lombok. Mercy Corps has been working in the country for over 20 years. The organization is sending team members to help survivors who need immediate assistance and to help rebuild.

The United Methodist Committee on Relief plans to focus on both initial relief work and the long-term needs of those in Palu.

Church World Service is in South Sulawesi and preparing to bring supplies to Palu. The group is partnering with ACT Alliance and Humanitarian Forum Indonesia to determine the best way to distribute aid. Presbyterian Disaster Assistance will also partner with ACT to assist with relief efforts.

CARE plans to provide drinking water, soap, buckets to collect water and sanitary napkins for women in Palu. The group also hopes to provide sleeping mats, blankets and solar lights to those who have lost their homes.

Habitat for Humanity Indonesia will be sending responders to Palu and Lombok. The emergency response teams hope to travel to the hardest-hit areas to assess the damage.

Humanity & Inclusion has worked in Indonesia since 2005. The organization plans to offer immediate relief, including urgent medical care and psychosocial support.

World Vision has set up an infant and child feeding center in Palu. The organization is sending supplies that include hygiene kits for infants and families, as well as shelter kits, blankets and mats.

International Medical Corps established an emergency health care program in Indonesia in 2000. The organization plans to send an emergency response team.

The Indonesian Red Cross is on the ground talking to survivors and providing relief to the areas that were hit the hardest.

Save the Children has arrived in Palu and will focus on providing a safe place for children to play, as well as items to create temporary shelters, like plastic sheeting, ropes and tarps.

UNICEF is working with the authorities to reunite children who have been separated from their families in the devastation. The group is also working to provide clean water through a mobile water treatment facility.

Source : Nytimes