In broadside against China, Trump moves toward ending Hong Kong privileges


WASHINGTON/HONG KONG (Reuters) – President Donald Trump on Friday ordered his administration to begin the process of eliminating special U.S. treatment for Hong Kong to punish China, but stopped short of an immediate end to the territory’s cherished privileges that have helped it remain a global financial center.

In making the announcement, Trump used some of his toughest rhetoric yet against China, saying Beijing had broken its word over Hong Kong’s autonomy by moving to impose new national security legislation and the territory no longer warranted U.S. economic privileges.

At a White House news conference, Trump called this a tragedy for the people of Hong Kong, China and the world, having already attacked Beijing’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic, which began in the Chinese city of Wuhan. Trump said China’s “malfeasance” was responsible for massive suffering and economic damage worldwide.

“We will take action to revoke Hong Kong’s preferential treatment as a separate customs and travel territory from the rest of China,” Trump said, adding that the United States would also impose sanctions on individuals seen as responsible for “smothering – absolutely smothering – Hong Kong’s freedom.”

He did not name any of the potential sanctions targets. Trump said his announcement would “affect the full range of agreements we have with Hong Kong,” from the U.S. extradition treaty to export controls on dual-use technologies and more “with few exceptions.”

“Our actions will be strong, our actions will be meaningful,” Trump added.

China’s state-run Global Times newspaper called Trump’s move towards erasing Hong Kong’s privileges “recklessly arbitrary.”

Trump gave no time frame for the moves, suggesting he may be trying to buy time before deciding whether to implement the most drastic measures that have drawn strong resistance from U.S. companies operating in the territory.

He also said he was issuing a proclamation on Friday to better safeguard vital university research by suspending the entry of foreign nationals from China identified as potential security risks.

Sources, including a current U.S. official, told Reuters on Thursday that the latter move, which had been expected, could affect 3,000 to 5,000 Chinese graduate students.

U.S. stocks finished mostly higher on Friday after the market viewed Trump’s announcement as less threatening to the U.S. economy than investors had feared.


Trump’s revved-up rhetoric against China comes in the midst of a 2020 re-election campaign in which opinion polls show U.S. voters increasingly embittered toward Beijing, especially over the novel coronavirus.

However, Trump may be mindful that a more serious rupture with Beijing could upend his hard-fought Phase One trade deal with the world’s second-largest economy, which he has counted on for economic benefit in major U.S. farm states.

U.S. President Donald Trump makes an announcement about U.S. trade relations with China and Hong Kong as National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin listen in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, U.S., May 29, 2020. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

Trump also will have to take into account the effect on the more than 1,300 U.S. firms that have offices in Hong Kong and provide about 100,000 jobs.

Daniel Russel, the top U.S. diplomat for East Asia until early in Trump’s administration, said Trump’s Hong Kong provisions remained “fairly vague” and added that “it remains to be seen how quickly and extensively they are implemented.”

But Russel said there is a risk that removing Hong Kong’s special status might inadvertently accelerate its loss of autonomy.

“Beijing clearly calculated that the collateral damage to their overall interests from U.S. retaliation for would be manageable,” Russel added.

While Trump gave no time frame for moves, two people familiar with the matter said that among the options under consideration were to set a deadline of a year from now for China to ease the political situation in Hong Kong or else face full revocation of its special status.

Such a deadline would buy time to avoid a major rupture in relations ahead of the Nov. 3 U.S. election. By the end of that period, however, Trump might no longer be in office to make the final decision.

Trump’s announcement came two days after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo declared that China’s erosion of Hong Kong’s autonomy meant the territory no longer warranted special treatment under U.S. law.

Earlier, Hong Kong’s Beijing-backed government told Washington to keep out of the debate over the national security legislation being imposed by China, and warned that withdrawal of the financial hub’s special status could backfire on the American economy.

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“Any sanctions are a double-edged sword that will not only harm the interests of Hong Kong but also significantly those of the U.S.,” it said in a statement late on Thursday.

It said that from 2009 to 2018, the cumulative U.S. trade surplus of $297 billion with Hong Kong was the biggest among all U.S. trading partners.

In the latest assertion of Beijing’s authority over Hong Kong, China’s Ministry of Public Security (MPS) said it would “direct and support Hong Kong police to stop violence and restore order.”

Chinese authorities and Hong Kong’s government say the legislation poses no threat to the city’s autonomy and the interests of foreign investors will be preserved.

Reporting Steve Holland, David Brunnstrom, Eric Beech, Jeff Mason, Matt Spetalnick, David Lawder and Daphne Psaledakis in Washington; Additional reporting by Sarah Wu and Marius Zaharia, James Pomfret, Greg Torode, Clare Jim, Sumeet Chatterjee and Anne Marie Roantree in Hong Kong, Michael Shields in Geneva; Writing by David Brunnstrom, Michael Perry and Robert Birsel; Editing by Clarence Fernandez, Simon Cameron-Moore, Timothy Heritage and Will Dunham

Source : Denver Post