Jaime King Responds to Trolls Who Shame Her for Being ‘Too Skinny’


“You’re too skinny. You’re too small.”

Those are just some of the comments Jaime King sees in her Instagram feed. “It happens all the time,” the 38-year-old told Us Weekly at the Colgate Optic White Beauty Lab in Los Angeles on Saturday, March 3. What some people don’t realize is that King suffers from endometriosis, a painful reproductive disorder and polycystic ovary syndrome. 

“It affects and changes your hormones and the body,” the actress explained to Us. “I remember when I first got endometriosis I gained 60 pounds and people were saying I was fat! It’s like, you can’t win, you can never win.” But the mom of James Knight, 4, and Leo, 2, with husband Kyle Newman,  refuses to let the haters bring her down. “It’s about how you feel inside,” revealed the yoga fanatic. “Do you feel strong?” 

Jaime King attends the Colgate ¨Optic White¨ Beauty Lab on March 3, 2018 in Los Angeles, California. Jerod Harris/Getty Images

Meanwhile, King has more important things to do than respond to trolls on social media — like spending time with her filmmaker love of 13 years. “Alone we love Dungeons and Dragons and playing games,” she gushed to Us. “Watching movies, reading. We’re very chill.”

That’s not to say their blissful marriage doesn’t need an occasional tune up. “It takes a lot of work. It’s really about communication and ultimately saying that it hurts too much to be fighting, to be separated or to be apart emotionally,” the former model said. “We love each other and we’re best friends.”

And they’re perfect parenting partners.

“With the babies we love going to the park and just playing,” she told Us. “Very simple. Nothing too extravagant!” 

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Source : USmagazine