Jameela Jamil Slams Khloe Kardashian for Meal Replacement Shakes


Jameela Jamil isn’t here for Khloé Kardashian‘s meal replacement endorsements. The Good Place star had a lot to say in the comments section of the Good American cofounder’s most recent Instagram post on Wednesday, March 20.

“If you’re too irresponsible to: a) own up to the fact that you have a personal trainer, nutritionist, probable chef, and a surgeon to achieve your aesthetic … .” Jamil, 33, began her lengthy response before she shared details about the controversial product that Kardashian, 34, left out.


Jamil added that the “side effects” from the drink that the Strong Looks Better Naked author was promoting include “cramping, stomach pains, dehydration and diarrhea.” Though the U.K.-born actress’ comment seemed a bit harsh, she concluded with a more friendly nod to who Kardashian is as a person.

“But now please don’t put that back into the world, and hurt other girls, the way you would have been hurt,” Jamil ended her message underneath the photo that showed Kardashian wearing just a pink bra and jeans. “You’re a smart woman. Be smarter than this.”

Jamil opened up to Us Weekly in January about her decision to be vocal about her beliefs — even if it means calling out other celebrities.

“I think a lot of people in the public don’t speak out about things that they could well use their platform to speak out with,” the activist explained to Us at the time. “They’re afraid of sticking their neck out because if you do, your head gets chopped off.”

Jamil added: “What I’m trying to be is someone in the public eye who’s owning up to my mistakes, owning up to my ignorance and willfully educating, showing people that I’m educating myself and educating them alongside me. I try to involve and engage other people with my journey so that we can all grow together. Rather than coming at it with an ego.”

The TV presenter previously slammed Cardi B and other famous faces who promote detox teas. “They got Cardi B on the laxative nonsense ‘detox’ tea,” Jamil tweeted in November 2018. “GOD I hope all these celebrities all sh–t their pants in public.”

Us Weekly has reached out to Flat Tummy for comment.

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Source : USmagazine