January 6 committee asserts Jim Jordan must comply with subpoena but gives him more time


The committee initially set a May 27 deadline for Jordan to comply with the subpoena but is now giving him more time.

Last week, Jordan responded to the committee’s subpoena by contesting its constitutionality and outlining a list of demands the panel must meet in order for him to even consider moving forward.

But in its letter Tuesday, the committee warned Jordan he must appear for a deposition no later than June 11, and calls his arguments pushing back on the validity of its subpoena “misplaced.”

The committee also notes that cooperation with its investigation could give Jordan an opportunity to “resolve, on the record, inconsistencies in your public statements about the events of January 6.”

“For instance, you have offered inconsistent public statements regarding when and how many times you spoke with President Trump on January 6. You have also claimed you ‘never said the election was stolen,’ despite numerous public statements to the contrary,” the letter reads.

Jordan is one of five House Republicans, including House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, that the committee subpoenaed earlier this month as part of its investigation. Reps. Andy Biggs of Arizona, Scott Perry of Pennsylvania and Mo Brooks of Alabama have also been subpoenaed. All have deposition dates scheduled over the next two weeks.

Source : CNN