Kavanaugh says he’s unchanged by bitter Supreme Court confirmation


WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh said on Monday he was not changed by a “contentious and emotional” battle over his confirmation to the nation’s highest court, which was imperiled by sexual misconduct allegations.

U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh speaks during his ceremonial public swearing-in as U.S. President Donald Trump and Kavanaugh’s wife Ashley and daughters Liza and Margaret, and retired Justice Anthony Kennedy look on in the East Room of the White House in Washington, U.S., October 8, 2018. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

Speaking at a White House ceremony, Kavanaugh said: “Although the Senate confirmation process tested me as it has tested others, it did not change me.”

Reporting by Eric Beech; Editing by Mohammad Zargham

Source : Denver Post