Kim Jong Un’s letter to South Korean leader signals more meetings in 2019


In pictures: Korean leaders meet in Pyongyang

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and his wife Ri Sol Ju pose with South Korean President Moon Jae-in and his wife Kim Jung-sook on the top of Mount Paektu in North Korea on Thursday, September 20.

In pictures: Korean leaders meet in Pyongyang

Moon Jae-in collects water from Heaven Lake at the bottom of Mount Paektu.

In pictures: Korean leaders meet in Pyongyang

Moon Jae-in and Kim Jong Un after a signing ceremony in Pyongyang, North Korea, Wednesday, September 19, 2018.

In pictures: Korean leaders meet in Pyongyang

Moon and Kim teased a potential historic fourth meeting between the two leaders, this time in the South Korean capital. The signed agreement stated that Kim would travel to Seoul “as soon as possible,” something no North Korean leader has ever done.

In pictures: Korean leaders meet in Pyongyang

North Korea said it would close a key missile test facility in the presence of “international experts” and potentially destroy its primary nuclear complex if the United States agrees to corresponding measures, South Korean President Moon Jae-in announced in a joint press conference with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un Wednesday.

In pictures: Korean leaders meet in Pyongyang

“The era of no war has started,” said Moon, the first South Korean president to visit Pyongyang since 2007. “Today the North and South decided to remove all threats that can cause war from the entire Korean peninsula.”

In pictures: Korean leaders meet in Pyongyang

South Korean Defense Minister Song Young-moo, second from left, and his North Korean counterpart No Kwang Chol sign a military agreement, vowing to “cease all hostile acts against each other.”

In pictures: Korean leaders meet in Pyongyang

South Korean President Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un attend a luncheon.

In pictures: Korean leaders meet in Pyongyang

South Korean President Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un ride in a parade in Pyongyang, North Korea, on Tuesday, September 18.

In pictures: Korean leaders meet in Pyongyang

The two leaders greet each other before their summit at the headquarters of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party in Pyongyang on September 18.

In pictures: Korean leaders meet in Pyongyang

Kim and his wife, Ri Sol Ju, second from left, escort the South Korean leader and his wife, Kim Jung-sook, second from right, at the Paekwawon Guesthouse in Pyongyang on September 18.

In pictures: Korean leaders meet in Pyongyang

North Koreans wave bouquets and flags as they watch the two leaders’ parade in Pyongyang on September 18.

In pictures: Korean leaders meet in Pyongyang

Kim meets Moon at the airport in Pyongyang on September 18.

In pictures: Korean leaders meet in Pyongyang

This week’s meeting marks the first time in more than a decade that a South Korean president has visited the North.

In pictures: Korean leaders meet in Pyongyang

South Koreans watch a televised broadcast of the summit from Seoul on September 18.

In pictures: Korean leaders meet in Pyongyang

North Koreans welcome Moon at the airport in Pyongyang on September 18.

In pictures: Korean leaders meet in Pyongyang

Kim and his wife greet Moon and the South Korean first lady upon their arrival in Pyongyang on September 18. On the the three-day visit, Moon is bringing an entourage that includes K-pop stars and business leaders such as Jay Y. Lee, the head of Samsung.

In pictures: Korean leaders meet in Pyongyang

People watch live footage from the summit at a railway station in Seoul on September 18.

In pictures: Korean leaders meet in Pyongyang

North Korean honor guards march during a welcoming ceremony for Moon in Pyongyang on September 18.

In pictures: Korean leaders meet in Pyongyang

Seoul Military Air Base staff members wave as the South Korean President departs for Pyongyang on September 18.

Source : Nbcnewyork