Live updates: Draft Brexit deal reached


UK Prime Minister Theresa May is pictured stepping out of 10 Downing Street, October 24.

May must now sell the deal to her Cabinet, which is deeply divided between ardent supporters of Brexit and those who voted to Remain. To do so, she must convince the Brexiters that the text, which is expected to include an arrangement that keeps the whole of the UK in close alignment with the EU, fulfills the result of the 2016 referendum.

If she fails, then she would likely have to return to Brussels to renegotiate — if she isn’t forced to resign. However, should she win her Cabinet Brexiters over, then it’s back to Brussels.

With the UK Cabinet in line, May will hope that an emergency summit of the EU Council — the 28 member states that make up the European Union — is called for November.

If the withdrawal text is approved there, it can move to legislative chambers of both the EU and the UK. May will then face perhaps the trickiest part of the process: getting the deal through her own Parliament.

Source : Nbcnewyork