Mamaroneck Diner Temporarily Closes After Customers Fall Sick With Virus


What to Know

  • The Mamaroneck Diner & Pizza Restaurant closed temporarily on Friday after two customers said they’d fallen sick with a virus

  • The diner voluntarily closed as a precautionary measure and hopes to reopen on Monday

  • The Health Department will visit the diner on Monday to clear its staff, a spokesperson said

A decades-old Mamaroneck diner closed temporarily on Friday after two customers contacted the eatery and said they’d fallen sick with a “common virus.”

The Mamaroneck Diner & Pizza Restaurant voluntarily shuttered as a precautionary measure, it said on its Facebook page. The eatery “[could not] be sure that [the virus] had started from inside the diner.”

“We have voluntarily decided to work under excessive caution in this situation and have closed the diner until this Monday to be 100 percent certain that our place of business is clean, our employees have 3 days rest and we are fully prepared to provide the same exceptional service our community has depended on for the past 40 years,” the diner wrote on its page.

Health Department inspectors will visit the diner on Monday to clear its staff before it reopens, a spokesperson for the eatery said.

“We have contracted professionals, who specialize in this issue, to come and inspect our store for any viruses,” the restaurant wrote on Facebook.

“We truly apologize for the inconvenience of closing our doors over the weekend as we are fully aware of the disruption this may cause, however this is the only choice we have in this situation to make sure our community continues to hold us to the highest standards,” it added. 

The diner hopes to reopen midday on Monday, its spokesperson said.

Source : Nbcnewyork