Mark Mobius is ready to invest in North Korea


The recent optimism around North Korea is extending to one longtime emerging-markets bull.

Veteran EM investor Mark Mobius said early Monday that he “definitely” would invest in the isolated Asian nation if there were a way to do so.

His comments come after North Korea over the weekend said it will destroy its nuclear test site. That dismantling is set to come three weeks before a historic June meeting between the country’s leader, Kim Jong Un, and U.S. President Donald Trump.

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North and South Korea

EWY, -0.04%

will unify “in our lifetime,” Mobius added, speaking in a CNBC interview.

He stressed that the two countries are a promising match with this comment:

‘It’s a beautiful combination, because the South has the technology, it has the know-how, it has the manufacturing ability — and the North has resources.’

Mark Mobius, veteran emerging-markets investor

Mobius also suggested investors ought to get in early.

“It’ll come at a cost, but it’ll be very, very beneficial from a longer point of view. So people who go in at the beginning in North Korea, given this combination of North and South, should do very well,” said the storied fund manager, who also recently said investors need to be prepared for a 40% global stock-market crash.

Source : MTV