Marriage Proposals Get More Extreme as French Company Offers Flights to the Moon Starting 2022


What to Know

  • In March 2022 couples can book a service to get engaged around the moon

  • It is a one-week flight that will cost $145 million

  • Frank Sinatra’s “Fly Me to the Moon” will play halfway through the flight when the proposal takes place.

Do you love your partner to the moon and back? Proposals are getting bigger and more expensive, but this new idea for putting a ring on it might be the most unique yet.

Starting in March of 2022 you can propose to your loved one while flying around the moon. ApoteoSurprise agency, a French company, is offering this service for $145 million.

Flights take off from the Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral, Florida and last for one week, it says.

Frank Sinatra’s song “Fly Me to the Moon” will play halfway through, which signals the timing of the proposal.

Couples can book the service online and prepare for their training before embarking on the trip to the moon.

Source : Nbcnewyork