Marvel’s Daredevil Star Charlie Cox Supports the #SaveDaredevil Campaign


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It’s not over ’til it’s over.

Fans of Marvel’s Daredevil aren’t ready to let the show fade into oblivion, so they’ve put together an impressively well-organized campaign to save the series — only, instead of targeting its original locale Netflix with demands for show salvation, where such a plea probably be DOA, they’re focusing the attention on Disney HQ instead.

Show stars Vincent D’Onofrio and Amy Rutberg gave the campaign a nudge on Twitter this weekend as fans initiated a new wave of letter-writing to Disney.

Charlie Cox has also endorsed the effort. “I found out the other day there’s this petition, #SaveDaredevil,” Cox mentioned over the weekend during a panel at ACE Comic Con. “You can sign it. Sign it!”

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In particular, fans are hoping to catch the attention of one of the company’s executives, Kevin Mayer, who’d previously signaled the studio’s potential willingness to revive some of the Marvel shows that have been halted by Netflix in the wake of Disney+’s arrival to the streaming scene.

In addition to directing mail to Disney, the campaign has also directed fans to reach out — with thematic message napkins, no less — to Marvel Studios as well. “Netflix has made it clear they’re no longer an option for renewal, but we can focus our energy toward Marvel to let them know we’re here to fight for Daredevil,” the campaign states on its website. On top of the letter-writing effort, there’s also a petition which has, as of this writing, amassed over 88,000 signatures.

Daredevil was one of the most popular series on Netflix ahead of its cancellation, so if any of the cast-away series (so far, Iron Fist and Luke Cage have also been canned, but both The Punisher and Jessica Jones‘ cast and crews may also receive their pink slips after this year’s new seasons air) could state a clear case for being restored in full on Disney+, this may be the one. Especially since it looked like Season 4 was well on its way to creative development before Netflix gave it the ax.

In the past, such resurrection campaigns have yielded mixed results. While Netflix’s Sense8 and NBC’s Timeless were both given two-hour bonus finales after fan petitions proved a continued interest in the properties, those who tried to save Freeform’s Shadowhunters were subtly mocked by the network.

Marvel’s Daredevil is streaming on Netflix.

Editor’s note: This story has been updated to include Charlie Cox’s comments.

Source : TVGuide