Marvel’s Moon Knight Disney Plus Series: Everything to Know


Just when you thought Marvel couldn’t possibly add anything else to Phase Four of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it goes and unveils not one but three brand new series coming exclusively to Disney+ in the coming years. The first two, Ms. Marvel and She-Hulk, carry a lot of buzz thanks to the characters’ recent place in pop culture. But it’s the third that might have you most excited — or confused. Moon Knight is coming to the MCU, and here’s what you need to know about him and his powers.

Unless the MCU goes back and completely rewrites his backstory/origin story, Moon Knight will revolve around Marc Spector, a former boxer who becomes a marine and later a mercenary. After he gets involved with the Egyptian gods (it’s a long story!), he’s offered a chance to redeem himself by becoming god’s avatar on Earth. He calls himself, “The Fist of Khonshu,” with Khonshu being the Ancient Egyptian god of the moon. He’s also got multiple personalities and is frequently compared to DC Comics’ Batman.

Here’s what else you need to know about the Marvel character.

What are Moon Knight’s powers? Good question. Right now, they’re vague at best. Thanks to his military training he’s got the skills of a soldier, but when it comes to being a superhero those are a little murky. He’s got a high pain tolerance and thanks to his multiple personalities sometimes they either aid (or hinder him) when it comes to fighting others (it’s believed he has dissociative identity disorder). Also, considering his powers are from the moon god, his powers are dependent on lunar cycles.

But at least he has a cool costume! Parts of his suit are made of adamantium (aka, what Wolverine’s claws are made from) and has a giant cape to help him fall with style from great heights.

When was Moon Knight’s first appearance? Created by Doug Moench and Don Perlin first popped up in Werewolf by Night in 1975. Since then he’s teamed up with the Avengers, the Secret Avengers, and the X-Men too, including She-Hulk (who’s getting her own series just before this).

Marvel’s been trying to make a Moon Knight movie or TV series for years. Way back in 2006, Marvel discussed bringing Moon Knight to the small screen with a series, before the MCU was even a thing. However, that fell through. Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn then discussed that he once pitched a Moon Knight movie, but it never came to be. Here we are in 2019 and it’s finally happened.

When’s it coming out and will it tie into any of the MCU movies? All good questions, but unfortunately there are no answers right now. Moon Knight is slated to come out at the back end of Phase 4, so think sometime in late 2021, if not even after that. Considering the name “moon” is right in its title, the series could easily connect to other MCU movies not set on Earth, like Guardians of the Galaxy or even Thor: Love and Thunder. We’ll just have to wait and see.

Source : TVGuide