Marvel’s The Punisher Season 2 Trailer Shows Billy Russo Amassing an Amry


Marvel’s The Punisher is about to get even more intense.

Netflix has revealed the trailer for the show’s second season, and in it, Frank Castle (Jon Bernthal) finds a new reason to start dealing out some punishment. The vigilante takes it upon himself to help a woman named Amy Bendix (Giorgia Whigham) after she’s nearly murdered by a group of thugs at a bar.

It’s not just some chance encounter that had all these big-and-bads coming after her, though, so Frank decides to dig in and find out why she’s been marked. Meanwhile, those same forces will align with Billy Russo (Ben Barnes), who’s still got his own scores to settle, once incoming religious zealot John Pilgrim (Josh Stewart) figures out they have a mutual enemy in Frank.

“I dreamed about the Punisher every night. He thinks that he has the right to judge me,” Russo seethes. “I want him to feel what I felt.”

Curtis Hoyle warns Frank about Russo’s return and states the obvious that “people are gonna die.” Frank, however, seems unconcerned, responding simply, “I’m gonna end it.”

As with the previous teaser, Frank seems to be adapting to his new identity, saying things like, “You need to let me be what I’m meant to be” and “I’m not the one who dies. I’m the one who does the killing.” Judging by the fight scenes ahead, though, he’s in for quite a fight when he and Russo meet again.

Marvel’s The Punisher Season 2 will hit Netflix on Friday, Jan. 18.

Source : TVGuide