Millennials prefer cannabis over alcohol and this lawyer is suing his girlfriend for her $100,000 engagement ring


Happy Wednesday, MarketWatchers! Here are the top personal finance stories of the day.

Personal Finance
Want to reduce sexual assault? Start with eliminating abstinence-only sex education

The U.S. government spends $85 million a year on programs that do not address consent.

My wife wants her name on my house, bank and retirement accounts—or we’re through

He is her fourth husband and she is his second wife, and they have been married for 8 months.

This D.C. lawyer is suing his former girlfriend for the return of a $100,000 engagement ring

Ryan Strasser says he only wanted to spend $40,000 and insists the ring belongs to him, but who really owns it?

Immigrants could be required to show credit scores if they want to stay in the U.S.

A Department of Homeland Security proposal has new suggestions to prove financial status.

Do Instagram and Snapchat distort how teenagers see themselves?

People now hold themselves to ‘unattainable’ standards of beauty, a new paper says.

From hammers to hair clippers: How Trump’s trade war with China will affect you

Retailers and manufacturers have a lot to say about the new tariffs on Chinese goods.

10 years after financial crash, only some Americans are proud to work on Wall Street

The prospect of working at Goldman Sachs is more appealing for some people than others.

Generation Z home buyers have family money and move fast to purchase property

The members of Generation Z who have bought homes are the exceptions, but their spending power is growing.

My mother’s live-in boyfriend has no job, no money and a lot of debt—what happens to her house after she dies?

This woman says her mom’s partner is putting a wrench into her inheritance plans.

Millennials appear to like cannabis more than booze

The beverage industry is evolving, as many young people find marijuana a cheaper alternative.

Elsewhere on MarketWatch
U.S., Japan agree to start talks on trade deal

President Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe agreed to hold bilateral talks aimed at reaching a trade agreement, Trump’s top trade negotiator said Wednesday.

Fed hikes interest rates, signals strong support for another increase in December

The Federal Reserve on Wednesday increased interest rates by another quarter point and signaled that most officials expect another hike in December.

Still-wounded millennials share horror stories from the 2008 financial crisis

BuzzFeed received an “overwhelming” response when the website asked its millennial readership to share personal stories of how the financial crisis a decade ago impacted and continues to impact their lives and their approach to finances.

Third woman makes allegations against Kavanaugh that he calls ‘ridiculous’

Judge Brett Kavanaugh called new allegations against him “ridiculous” on Wednesday, a day ahead of a planned Senate hearing in which the embattled Supreme Court nominee and one of his accusers are scheduled to appear.

Savings rates still lag as Fed readies eighth increase of the cycle

As the Fed readies its eighth interest-rate hike of the cycle, savers have seen just one quarter-point gain.

Here’s how the Fed’s statement, dot plot and forecast may shift

The following are three public pronouncements the Federal Open Market Committee will make and the possible changes that Fed watchers have flagged as important.

Fed should closely consider the real risk of a recession, former governor says

Former Fed Gov. Larry Meyer said in an interview with MarketWatch that the economy is now as good as it gets and the Fed has to start worrying about a recession.

The Powell Fed can make history if it can slow the economy without crashing it

The Federal Reserve has a chance to pull off something that it has never done before: managing to lift the unemployment rate without causing a recession.

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