Mom Charged After 5-Year-Old Found Riding Bike Alone At Night: NYPD


A mom was charged after her 5-year-old son was found on his bicycle alone at 11:30 p.m. Saturday, police said. 

Police said the child had “special needs” that prevented him from communicating his parents’ names or his address, police said. They didn’t provide further details.

Nichol Spencer, 45, of Brooklyn, was charged with acting in a manner to injure a child, police said. It wasn’t immediately clear whether she had an attorney. 

Police said she went to sleep Saturday night and thought the boy’s father had taken him. The father said he thought the boy was with Spencer. 

When the parents realized the boy was missing, they called the police. 

The child was found about 12 blocks from his home. 

Source : Nbcnewyork