Mosley unveils new website to help dealers and vendors land more sales



Auto retail expert Cory Mosley recently launched an online strategic consulting and presentations communications coaching service to help vendors and dealers win more sales.

The resources are all available at

“Having spent almost two decades working with and advising dealers, associations, and manufacturers, I have developed a unique perspective on how to truly penetrate a market and help clients become thought leaders in their given product category,” Mosley said in a news release.

“I help accelerate the growth of vendors who are truly committed to helping our Industry remain strong and profitable, by helping them move their prospects to yes and next steps to win more deals,” he continued. is a division of Mosley Automotive, which Mosley founded in 2004. Over more than 20 years, he has established himself as a steadfast expert dedicated to helping his clients sell more, decrease expenses and increase net profit.

MOSLEYB2B offers two critical business-enhancement services, both calculated to help clients become thought leaders, scale for opportunity more quickly, and set and reach new levels of sales growth.

Cory Mosley

Working with clients’ internal teams, MOSLEYB2B can deliver on two topics; the first being strategic consulting. Details on that include:

• Competitive advantage strategy development

• Dealer and OEM market penetration strategy development

• High ROI market strategy development

• Thought leadership marketing and positioning strategies

The other subject is presentation skills coaching and content development, including:

• Coaching with Cory, a one-day program featuring skills improvement and action plan development, with on-camera role play and training

• On-site coaching for sales teams with Cory at your facility, working with your group to build persuasive and engaging presentation skills across your organization

• Content development and curation, leveraging MOSLEYB2B’s extensive experience creating powerful keynote, sales, and OEM RFP stand-up presentations

MOSLEYB2B is designed to help executive, sales and marketing professionals use story-telling skills, translate data into compelling and convicting observations and sale points, use voice tone and engagement techniques to build trust and convey conviction, and to guide audiences toward decision or action next steps.

Mosley’s credentials include working with high-profile dealer groups, Tier 1 vendors, dealer associations and multiple OEMs. He is a certified speaking professional (CSP) accredited by the National Speakers Association.

For more information, visit

Source : AutoFinanceNews