Nashville Season 6 Episode 11: A Pregnant Juliette Escapes Darius’ Cult – Today’s News: Our Take


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Nashville has pulled its fair share of crazy storylines over the past six seasons, but this one might take the cake.

After Juliette (Hayden Panettiere) decided to stay in Bolivia with Darius (Josh Stamberg) and his cult rather than return home to Avery (Jonathan Jackson) and Cadence, it seemed as if she might have actually drunk the Kool-Aid and put herself beyond the reach of Avery’s help. When we finally returned to her story, we saw a very different side of things at Darius’ church.

The work site that had always seemed a little ominous proved to be pretty abusive, even causing one worker to pass out after being denied a break several times. When Juliette raised an issue about workplace safety, she found out just how controlling these people were, ending up imprisoned in her room as a “danger to herself.” They even assigned her a guard and took her passport away so she couldn’t leave!

Thankfully, that was the final red flag Juliette needed to realize Darius and his people were not the altruistic movement she’d first thought them to be, and she started to plan her escape. Once she realized she was pregnant and revealed as much to her guard Rosa (Mia Maestro), she was able to concoct an escape plan and get the HELL out of there.

The only question that remains now is whether or not she’ll go back for Rosa and her son once she returns to the States and has her lawyers come at Darius hard.

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Meanwhile, Avery decided to officially try to move on with Allanah (Rainee Blake) — he even patched things up with Gunnar (Sam Palladio) — just in time for her to leave the band and sign with Shiny New. That’s absolutely going to end terribly for her, but we’re more worried about how this tentative new romance is going to hold up when Juliette not only returns, but returns with a bun in the oven!

Avery and Allanah seem to have a genuine connection, and you kind of have to agree with Avery’s argument that his relationship with Juliette had become toxic and exhausting. He deserves to move on with someone more stable and grounded, but will he be able to do that when he finds out Juliette is pregnant with their second child? Avery’s noble to an almost self-sabotaging level, which is where this whole thing seems to be headed.

Nashville airs Thursdays at 9/8c on CMT.

Hayden Panettiere, <em>Nashville</em>Hayden Panettiere, Nashville

Source : TVGuide