Netflix Reveals The OA Season 2 Trailer and Release Date


There are two types of people: those who have seen The OA and those who are missing out.

For the former, today is your lucky day. Not only has Netflix dropped the trailer for The OA Part II and announced that our long wait for the show’s return is almost over, but the preview looks absolutely perfect and proves that our patience was not in vain. This delightfully bizarre show has new ground to break yet.

For the unfortunate uninitiated, The OA first dropped on Netflix in late 2016 and was the passion project of actress-writer-producer Brit Marling, whose previous writing credits include Another Earth and The East. The show may be, at its core, a philosophical science-fiction series, but there’s a little something for everyone — romance, unlikely friendships, the bonds of family, dizzyingly strange dance moves, music and, perhaps most importantly, very complicated character work by its actors, especially by Jason Isaacs as the merciless evil genius Hap.

You can know everything about The OA going in and still be surprised by what you watch — the show is completely bonkers and gives in to that weirdness while continuing to veer in a new direction in just about every episode, right up to the end. Whatever hokeyness exists in the story is easy to overlook for how earnest it is about even the battiest developments.

As the new trailer shows, Prairie (Marling) will once again wake up in a hospital room, but this time she won’t be blinded by that childhood accident or greeted by her adoptive American parents. Instead, she’s done some dimension hopping now, and all of those death-and-rebirth experiences finally paid off. She’ll be living out her birthright as a Russian heiress in Part II, but that doesn’t mean she’s going to be safe from Hap. Meanwhile, the rest of the group will be left in the first dimension to figure out what just happened to them after their mysterious OA disappeared, and as another teen goes missing, things are only gonna get darker.

Marling said she needed to take the time to make a follow-up to to Season 1 since there is no formula to draw from on a show like this. And lo, it looks like she and co-creator Zal Batmanglij made something that’s worth our while again.

We’ll find out soon enough because The OA Part II drops on Netflix on Friday, March 22. Prepare your craziest contemporary dance moves accordingly.

The OA Part II

Source : TVGuide