NYPD Officer Saves French Tourist’s 2-Year-Old Who Stopped Breathing on Tour Bus


A French’s couple summer holiday in New York City turned into a nightmare when their 2-year-old son stopped breathing on a tour bus earlier this month − but thanks to a few NYPD officers who were in the wrong place at the right time, they went home with a story to tell.

Two weeks ago, a group of police academy EMT and paramedic instructors were assigned to cover the July 4th celebrations in Lower Manhattan but they were given the wrong location. That’s when Officer Kate Keegan and others heard people on the top level of a double decker tour bus screaming for help.

Tourists from Paris handed unresponsive 2-year-old Caine from the hot, sun-beaten bus to Officer Keegan who immediately performed CPR on the toddler.

“He was actively seizing and he was gray. He had a blue tinge to his lips,” Keegan recalled the stressful moment.

“That 10 breaths felt like 10 hours. You really feel it, the stress, the anxiety, you have the whole bus looking at you to make these decisions,” she said.

As Keegan tried to breathe the life back in him, the heat-sickened boy slowly regained consciousness and made a recovery.

In a Skype call with the officers, Caine’s father said he thought his child may have died and he thanked them for saving his son’s life.

“It’s rewarding. We never get to see the other half. We never get to see the outcome,” Keegan said.

Source : Nbcnewyork