Official Fire Island Pine Vehicle Submerged in Ocean


An official vehicle of the Fire Island Pines Fire Department swerved off the road and into the ocean on Saturday, where the overturned SUV was abandoned in the rough water, officials said. 

Three people inside the maintenance vehicle escaped unharmed, Chief Joe Geiman said. 

The crew was driving on the east end of Cherry Grove just after noon when someone on the beach stepped in front of the vehicle, Geiman said.

The driver swerved, went over the seawall and landed in the rough surf. 

The crew eventually got out and the vehicle was taken out by the tide, where it flooded, flipped on its side, and then on its roof, Geiman said. 

“We are thankful that none of our district employees or anyone on the beach was injured during this accident,” Geiman said. 

Officials planned to leave the vehicle until 11 a.m. Monday when the tide would be low.

Source : Nbcnewyork