on-5 – Can LeBron catch Giannis for MVP?


Reigning MVP Giannis Antetokounmpo helped the Milwaukee Bucks clinch the earliest NBA playoff berth in 15 seasons on Sunday. Meanwhile, LeBron James has the Los Angeles Lakers at the top of the Western Conference, but is that enough to stop Antetokounmpo from repeating as MVP?

Will Zion Williamson make an All-NBA team before Ja Morant? Who will win Defensive Player of the Year? Which coaching performance has stood out this season?

Our experts answer the big questions and make their bold predictions about the NBA awards races.

MORE: NBA predictions — MVP, Rookie of the Year and Finals matchups

1. What would LeBron or another contender have to do to catch Giannis for MVP?

Bobby Marks: Petition the league to change the MVP criteria to factor in the playoffs. Because, in all seriousness, even a late-season injury to Antetokounmpo would not shift this race.

Jackie MacMullan: Don’t close the curtain on James just yet. He continues to fuel this debate by averaging a career-high (and league-leading) 10.6 assists, committing to the defensive end of the floor and exhibiting consistent positive leadership — a stark contrast to last season’s petulant behavior, an unseemly blemish on his Hall of Fame career.

General managers often tell me ESPN’s real plus-minus has true value when measuring players. James leads the league by a wide margin at 10.24.

Royce Young: At this point, Antetokounmpo has such a running start that it’s going to be nearly impossible to close the gap. The Bucks are on track for 70 wins and a historic net rating, while Antetokounmpo is producing nonsensical numbers, while also sitting most fourth quarters.

Kirk Goldsberry: James needs to convince voters he’s taking a lesser roster to the top seed in a tougher conference. Each team’s net rating with its superstars on and off the floor are his Exhibit A:

Both players are clearly making their teams better, but the Bucks are still really good when Antetokounmpo is on the bench. The same cannot be said for the Lakers, who look like a lottery team when James is on the bench.

Kevin Pelton: Come up with a better story. Reigning MVP on a team posting one of the best regular seasons in NBA history is going to be difficult to beat. I think it would take something along the lines of a 20-game winning streak for a contending team, or a historic individual stretch (repeated triple-doubles for James or a scoring spree surpassing what we saw earlier this season from James Harden).

2. Fact or fiction: The best defensive player will win Defensive Player of the Year.

Goldsberry: Only if Antetokounmpo wins it. The man is the most versatile and unique defender on planet Earth. He’s the best defender on the best defensive team in the league. He leads the NBA in defensive rebounds, and he’s arguably the best rim protector in the league, too.

MacMullan: Fiction, because measuring defense effectively remains the last great frontier in analytics. In the case of measuring superb defense, the numbers do lie. Even the eye test often fails — a dogged on-the-ball defender, harassing the ball handler up the floor in plain sight, could well be a liability on the weak side if he is unable or unwilling to rotate or help in a timely fashion. There are too many nuances for a voting body to land on the same page on this award.

Pelton: I’m not sure I would say there is a single best defensive player, given the difficulty in separating out how much of a role individuals play in their teams’ defensive success from scheme and interaction with their teammates, so I guess that means my answer is fiction? (But also maybe it just means whoever wins Defensive Player of the Year is probably a reasonable choice.)

Marks: Fact. Antetokounmpo should be the deserved favorite for both MVP and DPOY. Milwaukee has the league’s best defense, with an absurd 97.2 rating when Antetokounmpo is on the floor. There are strong arguments for other contenders, but this one belongs to the front-runner.

Young: Fiction. Rudy Gobert remains the most impactful defensive player in the NBA, but it’s unlikely he’ll make it a three-peat considering the Jazz’s struggles, particularly on defense. Whether it’s Antetokounmpo, Anthony Davis, Joel Embiid or someone else (it’s not you, Hassan Whiteside; you can’t be 27th in defensive rating and win DPOY), it’s hard to definitively say anyone has eclipsed Gobert as a defender.



Stephen A. Smith isn’t counting Zion Williamson out of the Rookie of the Year race despite missing the bulk of the season following knee surgery.

3. Which rookie will make an All-NBA team first?

Pelton: Zion Williamson. Whether he wins Rookie of the Year or not, Williamson has been the best-performing rookie this season since he returned to the court, and I don’t think it’s particularly close. Add in the typically slower development path for point guards like Ja Morant and I’d make Williamson a heavy favorite here.

Marks: Williamson. Morant will face stiff competition at the guard position in the future, especially with Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson returning to full strength next season. Despite Williamson playing 88% of his possessions at power forward, per Cleaning The Glass, starting center Derrick Favors could leave in free agency and open the door for Williamson to shift to center next season. That would help Williamson’s case.

Young: Williamson. With the historic start he’s off to, it’s reasonable to wonder if he would’ve made it this year had he not been injured to begin the season. Morant is going to make All-NBA teams in the future, but Williamson is already at another statistical level.

Source : ESPN