Patrick J. Adams and Colin O’Donoghue Join the Space Race in The Right Stuff Teaser Trailer


The Right Stuff, a drama series about the Mercury Seven, was originally produced for Nat Geo, but Disney announced on Tuesday that it will also debut on Disney+ this fall.

The star-studded cast includes Suits Patrick J. Adams, Once Upon a Time‘s Colin O’Donoghue, Limitless star Jake McDorman, and more familiar faces who have been tapped to play these Air Force pilots-turned-astronauts. The series takes a look at the exciting and inspiring space race that gripped the nation during the Cold War as well as the real lives of the Mercury Seven astronauts, who became instant celebrities as they prepared to be the first men in space.

Disney+ released some stunning photos and a behind-the-scenes documentary to give us our first look at this new series. It looks as though the series will focus heavily on the astronauts training and the trial and error period when NASA was trying to figure out how exactly to shoot a man into space. We can also expect some great storylines focusing on the wives and families of these men, some of whom had to sacrifice their own dreams when the spotlight suddenly put them under public scrutiny.

Micah Stock, Michael Trotter, Aaron Staton, Patrick J. Adams, Jake McDorman, Colin O’Donoghue, James Lafferty, The Right Stuff

Micah Stock, Michael Trotter, Aaron Staton, Patrick J. Adams, Jake McDorman, Colin O'Donoghue, James Lafferty, <em>The Right Stuff</em>Micah Stock, Michael Trotter, Aaron Staton, Patrick J. Adams, Jake McDorman, Colin O’Donoghue, James Lafferty, The Right Stuff

The Right Stuff will premiere on Disney+ this fall.

Source : TVGuide