Pit Bulls Get Loose From Walkers in NYC, Pounce of Group Girls, Woman: NYPD


Nearly a half-dozen people were injured after a pair of pit bulls got loose in the Bronx and pounced on a group of people.

Police say two 36-year-old woman were walking the two dogs on leashes when they somehow broke loose in the Pelham Parkway section. One woman and four girls all were injured after the dog attack.

A 45-year-old woman three teen girls, ages 17, 16 and 15, along with a 12-year-old girl all suffered dog bites and scratches, according to the NYPD. They were taken to an area hospital to be treated for injuries that are not considered to be life-threatening.

Officials were able to contain the two dogs. The two woman walking them were issued a summons, police said.

Source : Nbcnewyork