Police Dogs Ready to Bring Special Skill to Protect Crowd at Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, NYPD Says


What to Know

  • New members of the K9 department will be on the scene with a special and precise skill to protect Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade crowd

  • Though the department already has explosive detecting K9s, the police department said it has purchased explosive odor pursuit dogs

  • Explosive odor pursuit dogs, also known as Vapor Wake dogs, which have an odor detection capability far greater than the labs, NYPD says

As thousands of people flock over the holiday for a glimpse of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, NYPD will be on scene to make sure everyone remains safe.

But, part of the security detail involves four legged NYPD partners.

According to police officials, officers — both in uniform and in plain clothes — as well as K9s will provide security during the holiday event. However, new members of the K9 department will be on the scene with a special and precise skill.

Though the department already has explosive detecting K9s, the police department said it has purchased explosive odor pursuit dogs, also known as Vapor Wake dogs, which have an odor detection capability far greater than the labs, NYPD Counterterrorism Chief James Waters said.

NYPD Thanksgiving Day Parade Security in Place

[NY] NYPD Thanksgiving Day Parade Security in Place

Vapor Wake dogs are trained to detect bodyworn explosives on a moving person. 

These four dogs were purchased last year, and although they were not at the parade last year, they will be this year.

Waters said the new addition is invaluable.

“Vapor wake dogs are worth their weight in gold. They can screen hundreds of thousands of people,” Waters said.

The NYPD purchased four of these special dogs and has trained one named Frankie — putting him to the test “with incredible results,” Waters said.

While police will be looking over the crowds to make sure everyone is safe and the holiday event runs smoothly, Waters said the public plays a huge part when it comes to safety.

“A critical part is having spectators help and look and flag people down,” Waters said.

Source : Nbcnewyork