Police Recover Millions of Dollars in Stolen NYC Movie Equipment From Storage Unit


Lights, camera and police action.

Police say they raided a massive stash of stolen New York City movie and television making equipment in Westchester County. On Thursday night, the stolen goods were carted out of a New Rochelle storage unit.

Thieves Are Hitting Film Production Studios in NYC

Back in February News 4’s I-Team reported TV and movie sets were being targeted by thieves, from Burbank, California, all the way to the East Coast, but police now say they recovered millions of dollars in equipment in New York that was stolen just a few days ago.

“It’s great to get it back,” Dave Squilliciottiof Eastern Effects Production Company said. “The cops worked over night they got it all done. It’s everything. If you don’t have the gear you can’t work.”

The raid, police say, is connected to a heist in NYC. Police say on Wednesday they found near a half-million dollars of stolen equipment in New York, which led them to the New Rochelle storage unit.

“It’s heartbreaking because this is how we live,” Kenneth Hayes of Quixote Production Company said. “Any little thing from a director’s chair to a camera, everything is expensive.”

Even though the NYPD has recovered some of the stolen goods, they say they are still looking for the suspects. Police say they have seized more than $5 million in stolen movie equipment over the last three years.

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Source : Nbcnewyork