‘Putin’s poodle:’ How the world reacted to the Helsinki summit


Trump declined to endorse the US government’s assessment that Russia interfered in the 2016 US presidential election, instead publicly embracing Putin’s “extremely strong and powerful” denial.

The morning after in the UK, the Daily Mirror tabloid newspaper ran coverage of the summit on its front page, labeling Trump “Putin’s poodle” and quoting former CIA Director and career intelligence officer John Brennan who described the US President’s performance as “nothing short of treasonous.”

In Finland, which played host to the summit, newspaper Kauppalehti used a soccer analogy in its headline: “Trump 0-1 Putin,” along with a photo of Trump holding a soccer ball given to him by the Russian leader. The summit happened a day after the World Cup — hosted by Russia — came to an end.

Swedish newspaper HBL went with “Putin: Trump is my favorite” above a photo of the Russian leader smiling.

In France, Le Monde topped its front page with: “Donald Trump, best of allies with Vladimir Putin.”

In Italy, La Repubblica ran with: “The great Trump-Putin agreement, US intelligence rebels.”

In Putin’s native Russia, Komsomolskaya Pravda published the headline: “How yesterday’s handshake between Putin and Trump differed from last year’s.”

While the headline on the front of Russia’s MK newspaper read: “Trump and Putin exchanged being late.” The sub-head added: “And they didn’t say anything about the strength of their handshake.”

In the US, the New York Post went with a headline of “See No Evil” with “Prez gives big Bear hug to wicked BFF Vlad, jabs US intel,” at the top of the page.

The New York Times devoted much of its front page to the story leading with the headline “Trump, with Putin, attacks 2016 intelligence” above a photograph of the two leaders shaking hands.

Meanwhile, the Wall Street Journal, which is owned by Rupert Murdoch, declared the news conference “a personal and national embarrassment,” asserting that Trump had “projected weakness.”

Source : Nbcnewyork