Reynolds and Reynolds agreement extended to provide DMS services for Ken Garff



The Ken Garff Automotive Group has extended an agreement for auto dealer software company Reynolds and Reynolds to provide the dealership management solution for Ken Garff new-car franchised dealerships. The extension is part of a five-year agreement.

The companies said in a news release that through Reynolds, Ken Garff will look to improve the customer and employee experience by optimizing its hardware, software, and network products. One example of this is that to improve service times and decrease employee training redundancy, Ken Garff plans to use a common software platform through Reynolds for its service tablet setup.

“We have been fortunate to have a 20-plus-year relationship with Reynolds and Reynolds,” Ken Garff Automotive Group chief executive officer Brett Hopkins said in a news release. The auto group runs more than 50 dealerships in six states.

“They are a trusted partner, and their DMS has been the foundation of our software platform for the recent history of our company. We are pleased we can continue our relationship with them for the foreseeable future.”
Reynolds and Reynolds chairman and chief executive officer Bob Brockman said working with the Ken Garff Automotive Group for more than 20 years “is a source of pride for all of us at Reynolds.”

“We admire their continued success and are committed to delivering the products and services that will help them enhance their business operations and the consumer experience,” Brockman said. 

Source : AutoFinanceNews