Rival Protests Grip Venezuela After Guaidó’s Failed Effort to Beckon Military


A day after the Venezuelan opposition’s call for a military uprising failed, the country’s political crisis returned to a protracted standoff punctuated by violence on Wednesday, with the government and protesters seeking to project strength at rival May Day rallies.

“There’s no turning back,” Juan Guaidó, the opposition leader, told supporters in Caracas, the capital, where tear gas fired by riot police officers shrouded some protest sites. “Despite the repression, we’re still here.”

There were reports late in the day that armed pro-government forces used live fire against some protesters in Altamira, part of a Caracas area where the opposition is strong. The extent of injuries was not immediately clear, but at least one journalist was struck by shotgun pellets.

Thousands of Mr. Guaidó’s supporters in Caracas and elsewhere heeded his call to demonstrate, although not enough to meet his promise to stage “the biggest march in history.” Still, his ability to remain at large and to rally supporters — after his attempt to recruit the military to his side sputtered on Tuesday — underlined the weaknesses in the government of his opponent, President Nicolás Maduro.

Mr. Guaidó called on Venezuelan workers to begin “rolling strikes” starting Thursday, building to a general strike later in the month. It was unclear how much pressure that would apply since most companies already operate at minimum capacity after five years of recession.

The protest against Mr. Maduro on May Day, a national holiday for workers in Venezuela, was a test for Mr. Guaidó in his ambition to claim the leadership of a country suffering from a crumbling economy that has left the population lacking food and medical care.

“I don’t know how many in the military support us, but change has begun,” said Rafael Rondon, a retiree who joined the protest in eastern Caracas. “The soldiers have families and the same needs as us.”

While the opposition has received the backing of more than 50 countries since Mr. Guaidó proclaimed himself interim president more than three months ago, its momentum on the street has flagged. Protest fatigue and constant power and water outages have sapped morale.

Attempts by Mr. Guaidó’s supporters to gather at rallying points in Caracas’s downtown Wednesday were swiftly repressed by police officers and national guard members with tear gas, forcing them to fall back to the middle-class opposition stronghold of Chacao in the east of the capital. Thousands of opposition supporters, dressed in the national colors and waving Venezuelan flags, packed Chacao’s Altamira Plaza by midafternoon to hear Mr. Guaidó speak.

He never came, canceling his speech as pro-government security forces tightened cordons around the capital.

Some protesters showed frustration at Mr. Guaidó’s failure to persuade enough military officers to switch sides despite the massive collapse in living standards and the tightening of American sanctions.

“If the soldiers were really on our side, we wouldn’t be in this situation,” said Yaneyfer Sayago, a former clothing vendor whose stall went bust in the economic crisis.

Near the Chacao rally, a few hundred masked youths armed with stones and Molotov cocktails fought running battles with national guard members around the perimeter of La Carlota air base, which on Tuesday became the epicenter of a skirmish between loyalist soldiers and a few dozen national guard members who switched allegiance to Mr. Guaidó.

Chacao’s health authorities said 39 protesters were injured on Wednesday. The defense minister, Vladimir Padrino, said on Twitter that eight soldiers had been wounded by firearms while “confronting coup violence.” He added, “How long will the impunity last?”

Across town in central Caracas, thousands of Mr. Maduro’s supporters dressed in red marched along the main highway toward the presidential palace. Most appeared to be retirees or public sector workers. Many were brought in from across the country by public buses that stretched for miles on the side of the highway.

It was one of the biggest pro-government demonstrations in Caracas in months, underlining the government’s desire to portray strength and tenacity after the failed uprising.

The United States backed Mr. Guaidó from the start and has remained a stalwart supporter. The Trump administration would prefer a peaceful transition, said Mike Pompeo, the secretary of state, but he restated in an interview with the Fox Business Network Wednesday morning that “military action is possible.”

“If that’s what’s required, that’s what the United States will do,” Mr. Pompeo said.

Mr. Guaidó tried to jump-start the drive to remove Mr. Maduro on Tuesday, appearing at a military base alongside Leopoldo López, the country’s best-known political prisoner. Mr. López had apparently been freed by security forces, leading many to speculate that a rebellion against Mr. Maduro might be afoot.

But no major military defections were reported, and in the streets, forces loyal to Mr. Maduro clashed with protesters. More than 70 people were wounded on Tuesday, according to a hospital that treated them.

Mr. López eventually fled to the Spanish Embassy in Caracas.

The United Nations human rights office in Geneva said it was “extremely worried” about the possibility of excessive force against peaceful demonstrations.

“We call on all sides to show maximum restraint and on the authorities to respect the right of peaceful assembly,” said a spokeswoman, Marta Hurtado. “We also warn against the use of language inciting people to violence.”

Mr. Maduro has said he will not back down.

“We are over the shock and surprise, and now we will take this all on with nerves of steel,” he said in a televised address on Tuesday night.

In Washington, American officials said they believed top government officials had been preparing to turn on Mr. Maduro. Mr. Pompeo said that Mr. Maduro had been prepared to leave the country for Havana, but that he had decided against fleeing at the behest of Russia.

A Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova, denied Mr. Pompeo’s assertion. “Washington tried its best to demoralize the Venezuelan Army, and now used fakes as a part of information war,” she told CNN.

Russia, an important backer of Mr. Maduro, also said Wednesday that it had warned the Trump administration against meddling in Venezuela. The message was conveyed in a telephone call between Foreign Minister Sergey V. Lavrov and Mr. Pompeo, Russia’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement on its website.

“It was stressed on the Russian side that Washington’s interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign state, the threat against its leadership is a gross violation of international law,” the statement said. “The continuation of aggressive steps is fraught with the most severe consequences.”

Source : Nytimes