Sanders blasts ‘corporate’ Democrats as Warren pulls ahead of him in poll


Associated Press

Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders is blasting what he calls “the corporate wing of the Democratic Party,” as centrists are reportedly growing more comfortable with Elizabeth Warren and the Massachusetts senator leads her Vermont counterpart in at least one presidential poll.

Linking to a Politico story titled “Warren emerges as potential compromise nominee,” Sanders tweeted, “The cat is out of the bag. The corporate wing of the Democratic Party is publicly ‘anybody but Bernie.’” Sanders said his agenda including Medicare for All and breaking up big banks “is the real threat to the billionaire class.”

The Politico article quotes a co-founder of centrist think tank Third Way, who is critical of “socialist” narratives in the campaign. “We really like the idea of using government to rectify market failure. And that’s what [Warren’s] about,” said the group’s Matt Bennett.

Sanders’ tweet and a related email from his campaign came as a new poll showed Warren pulling slightly ahead of her fellow White House hopeful. The national survey, from Monmouth University, showed Warren’s support jumping five points to 15% from 10% in May. Sanders held onto 14% support, similar to his 15% support last month. Joe Biden led the pack with 32%.

Sanders continues to lead Warren in the RealClearPolitics average of polls, though both fall behind Biden. And in a separate USA Today/Suffolk poll released Wednesday, Sanders is also in front of Warren.

Referring to Third Way’s criticism, Sanders’ campaign manager Faiz Shakir said in a statement, “As our campaign fights to unify the Democratic Party in support of basic economic rights and to defeat Donald Trump, our response to our corporate opponents’ animosity is exactly what FDR stated in 1936; ‘We welcome your hatred.’”

Warren has rolled out numerous policy proposals and is set to take the stage on the first night of the Democratic debates next week in Miami, joining rivals including Cory Booker and Amy Klobuchar. Sanders will debate Biden, Kamala Harris and others on the second night.

Now see: Elizabeth Warren calls for ‘managing’ the dollar, and a new agency, to create jobs.

Warren’s campaign didn’t immediately return a request for comment.

Source : MTV