Self-Care Secrets of the Stars


These days everyone needs a little — uhh, make that a lot — of self care. Taking time to improve our mental and physical health is vital to navigating these uncertain times in our lives. The latest trend in self-care is utilizing the versatile powers of CBD, and the hottest product on celebrities’ minds these days is Uncle Bud’s.

Count Toni Braxton and Jane Fonda among the many admirers of the brand, in fact both Braxton and Fonda are officially Uncle Bud’s brand ambassadors


Celebrity Beauty Secret: Put Your Best Face Forward

If there’s one thing celebrities have that we most often admire. its great skin. While most of us may struggle with blocked pores, fine lines and wrinkles, a secret solution to achieving picture-perfect skin is utilizing pure CBD in your skin-care regimen. Uncle Bud’s 4.20mg CBD Rose Gold Face Mask ($19.99 for a pack of 6 on is a creamy clay face mask containing CBD Oil, Organic Hemp Seed Oil and Moroccan Rose Water. This soothing skin essential provides a valuable source of antioxidants, while protecting against cell damage and irritations. The mask also removes excess oils, providing our skin with paparazzi-worthy appeal.

Uncle Buds Rose Gold Mask

Celebrity Beauty Secret: Lip Service

Skin care doesn’t stop with just the face.  Uncle Bud’s 5mg CBD Peppermint Lip Balm ($8.99 on is a must-have for those camera-ready lips, providing an added boost of hydrating moisture while protecting against dry and chapped lips. Quick absorbing and non-greasy, the peppermint flavored formula will have you puckering up all day long.

Uncle Buds

Celebrity Body Secrets: A Gym Bag Essential

It’s not easy looking great in front of the cameras at all times. Which is why a lot of celebrities turn to personal trainers and coaches to help them stay in tip-top shape.  Uncle Bud’s 1000mg CBD Peppermint Sublingual ($46.99 on is a great tool for getting the most out of those gut-wrenching, fitness routines. Whether used before or after a workout, or taken throughout the day as needed, this peppermint flavored (with stevia sweetener) dose of Hemp Extract will quickly become an essential in your own gym bag.

Uncle Buds


Celebrity Body Secrets: Full Body Relief

These days we’re likely all doing a lot of extra work around the house (looking at you backyard gardens) and that is taking its toll on our muscles and joints. Uncle Bud’s CBD Maximum Strength 240mg CBD Body Revive Roll-On ($26.99 on is a great go-to remedy for reviving the body and soothing those muscles as we spend more time cleaning, painting, gardening, washing dishes and other household chores. The convenient roll-on applicator makes it easy to apply onto any part of your body, including the back, knees, arms, wrists, shoulders, forehead temples, hips, ankles, muscles, & joints.

Uncle Buds

Celebrity Health Secret: Staying Germ Free

It’s no secret that all of our top priorities these days revolve around keeping ourselves, our families and those we love healthy and safe from spreading germs. Hand sanitizer has become as essential as our LBD, however not all hand sanitizers are the same. Which is why Uncle Bud’s Hemp Hand Sanitizer – 8oz ($9.99 on is a great choice for not only eliminating up to 99.99% of many harmful germs and bacteria, it’s hemp seed oil formula won’t dry out our hands. Uncle Bud’s Hemp Hand Sanitizer is FDA registered and Contains 70% Alcohol as recommended by the CDC.

Uncle Buds

For more inspiration and celeb-worthy products that should be on your A-List of must-haves, visit

Source : USmagazine