Several Dead in Münster, Germany, Amid Reports of Van Crashing Into Crowd



Police vans in downtown Münster, Germany, on Saturday.

DPA, via Associated Press

Several people were killed and many others injured on Saturday in Münster, in western Germany, after a van crashed into a group of people in the heart of the old city, according to the police and news media reports.

A spokeswoman for the Münster police told Die Welt, a newspaper, that the driver of the van killed himself after the crash.

The police said on Twitter that they had closed the area and had urged people to leave in order to allow access for emergency services.

The crash occurred outside the Kiepenkerl, a restaurant on a cobble-stoned street in the center of the city that is popular with locals and tourists, the police said. It is not in a pedestrian zone, but has wide sidewalks where people had been sitting outside on a sunny, spring afternoon, news reports said.

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Source : Nytimes