She’s 18 and developed blood clots in her brain after a J&J vaccine. Here’s what happened.


An 18-year-old woman was stricken with severe headaches, vomiting, seizures, confusion and weakness in one arm early this month, strokelike symptoms that doctors at a Nevada hospital were shocked to see in someone so young.

Scans found several large blood clots blocking veins that drain blood from the brain, a condition that can disable or kill a patient.

Doctors performed a procedure to suction huge clots from her brain, only to find that new ones had formed.

The patient is one of six women ages 18 to 48 who developed clots in the brain within two weeks of receiving the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine. One died, and their devastating cases led U.S. health officials to recommend on Tuesday that use of the vaccine be paused.

Source : Nytimes