Similar Package Sent to Top Democrats Addressed to Robert De Niro in Tribeca: Sources


What to Know

  • Officials are investigating pipe bombs sent to the Clintons, Obamas, George Soros, CNN, Eric Holder, John Brennan, Maxine Waters and De Niro

  • Eight parcels had a return address linking to a high-profile Democratic party member; at least one of them also had a white powder envelope

  • The flurry of incidents began less than 48 hours after a bomb was planted in mailbox at billionaire philanthropist Soros’ NY home

BREAKING UPDATE: Similar Package Addressed to Joe Biden Seized at Postal Facility in Delaware, Officials Say

A suspicious package and device similar to the ones sent to top Democrats and others this week was sent to a Greenwich Street building owned by Robert De Niro that houses offices for Tribeca Films and Tribeca Grill, law enforcement officials and sources tell News 4.

A building worker called police early Thursday because, after seeing Wednesday’s news, he remembered seeing a similar package a day or so ago. The device was removed from the property. The NYPD said there was no need for an evacuation as the building was unoccupied at the time.

Another source said the package was addressed to De Niro and that it had the same stamps and return address, that of ex-Democratic National Committee chairman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, as others reported on Wednesday.

Two pipe bombs in packages addressed to Rep. Maxine Waters of California were confirmed late Wednesday, which brought the total of explosive devices mailed to several high-profile critics of President Donald Trump and the New York City offices of CNN to seven. The one sent to De Niro’s house, if linked, would be the eighth. 

Packages addressed to Hillary Clinton, former President Obama, billionaire George Soros, ex-Attorney General Eric Holder, former CIA director John Brennan and Waters all appear to have the same characteristics, authorities and law enforcement officials with direct knowledge of the matter told NBC News.

None of the devices detonated and no one was injured; authorities are examining the crude explosives and staying on the lookout for additional packages. 

Federal authorities are also looking into the possibility there is another package, possibly addressed to former Vice President Joe Biden. No such package has been intercepted, but officials are looking into the possibility one was spotted moving through the postal service. Nothing was found at Biden’s residence.

The FBI and local police responded to a postal facility in New Castle, Delaware, in connection with the bombing investigation early Thursday, though there was no immediate confirmation it had anything to do with the hunt for a package that may be addressed to Biden. 

According to sources, the explosive devices were made from PVC pipe and contained a timer (likely a digital alarm clock) to set off the detonator. Additionally, the powder contained in the bombs comes from pyrotechnics. X-rays show there was likely shrapnel inside the PVC pipe, law enforcement officials say.

Multiple senior bomb technicians briefed on the case said the devices had all the components necessary to set off a successful explosion.

Meanwhile, investigators examining the explosive devices will be working to glean forensic clues to help identify who sent them, gathering fingerprints and DNA evidence while tracking the origin of the packages and the components used to make the bombs.

Larry Johnson, a former head of criminal investigations for the U.S. Secret Service who also served as a special agent in charge of the presidential protective detail, said it is highly likely that the person or people who built the bombs have been previously flagged by law enforcement.

Source : Nbcnewyork