Staten Island Little League Falls to Georgia in Do-or-Die Game


When Staten Island took a 3-0 lead at the start of the Little League do-or-die game against Georgia Thursday, it’s as though what first baseman John Calabrese told News 4 New York before the game had come true. 

“I think we are fine today,” he’d said. “It’s a new day. Flip the page.” 

Calabrese and the rest of the Mid-Island Little League fell short to Hawaii 10-0 on Wednesday. But they stayed optimistic about getting another shot to hoist the trophy in the double-elimination tournament, and looked for redemption against Hawaii in the United States Championship game on Saturday.

But the celebration faded faster than the setting sun in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, as the New York kids struggled to catch fly balls, and Peachtree City surged ahead and won 7-3. 

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[NY] NYC Little Leaguers Lose, But Have Another Shot at Trophy

“The lights were tough,” said Mid-Island Little League coach Joe Calabrese. “A lot of people on both teams struggled with fly balls.” 

Those from the tri-state area who made the 150-mile trip to rural Pennsylvania tried to stay upbeat about it. 

“My kids are here to watch their friends, looking at them to cheer them on,” said Kim Valentin. 

Sophia Didonna of Port Richmond, Staten Island, said the Little Leaguers appeared to be “getting down on themselves.”

“It was the first first time they lost in a while,” she said. 

In the end, the boys from Mid-Island fell just a bit short in their quest to become the first team from New York City to win the Little League World Series since 1964. 

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“At least they made it pretty far,” said Connor Levine of North Brunswick, New Jersey. 

“Definitely bummed,” said Kevin Dixon of Bedford-Stuyvesant, but “they’ll be back next year.” 

With the pain evident on the faces of players like Derek Mendez, the coach could only offer words of encouragement. 

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“I said I was extremely proud of them, the effort and work they put in,” said Calabrese. “They’re winners. They’re here, they’re winners.” 

Source : Nbcnewyork