Sweden Investigates Its Envoy to China After Report of Secret Talks to Free Publisher


Mr. Gui appeared on Chinese state television in early 2016, when he gave what seemed to be a heavily rehearsed confession to a drunken-driving death in China more than a decade earlier. He was formally freed from detention in October 2017, but he remained in eastern China, under heavy watch, according to Ms. Gui.

A year ago, two Swedish diplomats tried to accompany Mr. Gui to Beijing on a train, but Chinese security officers boarded the train and snatched him away. The Swedish foreign minister called it a “brutal intervention” that violated international rules. Soon afterward, Mr. Gui appeared on Chinese television, saying in an interview organized by the police that he needed no help from Sweden.

The case has remained a source of tension between the governments in Stockholm and Beijing, and Ms. Gui has campaigned for her father’s release. She went to Stockholm to meet the two Chinese businessmen after Ms. Lindstedt, the ambassador, vouched for them, she said.

But, according to a long account that Ms. Gui published on Medium, the meeting was far from a typical diplomatic negotiation.

“Nobody would tell me what was going on, or why it was that I had to be there,” said Ms. Gui, a graduate student at Cambridge University in England. “The businessmen spoke to me with a mix of flattery and reassurances that they were going to ‘help me,’ without explaining how this help was going to be delivered.”

Over two days, Ms. Gui said, she was mostly confined to a hotel lounge where the men cajoled and pressured her to stop making public comments about her father.

“There was a lot of wine, a lot of people, and a lot of increasingly strange questions,” she said. “I was told I needed to be quiet. I wasn’t to tell anyone about this, or say anything publicly about the case.”

Source : Nytimes