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2 U.S. Dual Citizens Held in Saudi Crackdown on Dissent, Rights...

BEIRUT, Lebanon — At least eight intellectuals, writers and activists have been arrested in Saudi Arabia in recent days, including two dual United...

Five Places to Shop Around Mumbai

Bandra, an artsy Mumbai suburb on the Arabian Sea, is a favorite of the city’s creative set and counts Bollywood stars, film producers,...

Theresa May Asks E.U. for Brexit Extension Until June 30

LONDON — Prime Minister Theresa May asked the European Union on Friday to delay Britain’s departure from the bloc for a second time...

Taliban Attack Kills Dozens in Afghanistan Despite U.S. Efforts in Peace...

KABUL, Afghanistan — A large attack by the Taliban in western Afghanistan on Thursday killed at least 30 soldiers and police officers, Afghan...

Video of Assault on Transgender Woman in Paris Spurs Outrage, and...

PARIS — Video footage showing men assaulting a transgender woman during a demonstration in central Paris last weekend has prompted outrage and debate...

Brexit Enters the ‘Flextension’ Era. It Could Be Short.

LONDON — After months of tortured debate over Britain’s departure from the European Union, a new word has entered the jargon-strewn Brexit lexicon:...

Thailand’s Junta Targets Opposition Leader, Flexing System Rigged in Its Favor

BANGKOK — Thailand’s military junta is targeting a popular new pro-democracy party, accusing its leader of causing disorder that could lead to rebellion...

The Sultan of Brunei: Lavish Living in the Tabloids, Death by...

Some of Sultan Hassanal’s relatives have shown a similar propensity to spend. Prince Abdul Mateen, one of the sultan’s 12 children, regularly posts...

Militia Advances on Libyan Capital, Raising Prospect of Renewed Civil War

A military leader who has vowed for years that he would seize control of Libya ordered his troops on Thursday to march on...

Ethiopian Crash Report Indicates Pilots Followed Boeing’s Emergency Procedures

At a news conference on Thursday, Dagmawit Moges, Ethiopia’s minister of transportation, said the flight crew had “performed all the procedures, repeatedly, provided...
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