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An Australian Election Is Imminent. Here’s What’s at Stake.

The Australia Letter is a weekly newsletter from our Australia bureau. Sign up to get it by email.___Australians will go to the polls...

Trade, Boeing, Jeff Bezos: Your Thursday Evening Briefing

(Want to get this briefing by email? Here’s the sign-up.) Good evening. Here’s the latest.1. President Trump met China’s special envoy at the...

U.S. Role in Yemen War Will End Unless Trump Issues Second...

“Its intention is not to unite but to divide. Its intention is not to support our ally but to kill this bill through...

Boycott Israel’s Election? A Palestinian Rapper Says No

JERUSALEM — Frustrated over their choices in the Israeli election, and at Arab politicians whom they describe as ineffective, some Palestinian citizens of...

Russia Says It Will Try to Free Almost 100 Whales Held...

MOSCOW — Almost 100 captive whales seized by the Russian government in the country’s Far East before they could be exported to Chinese...

No, Your Instagram ‘Influence’ Is Not as Good as Cash, Club...

A small-business owner on an island in the Philippines has become a local hero for pushing back at the growing number of international...

Anti-Semitism Is Back, From the Left, Right and Islamist Extremes. Why?

BERLIN — Swastikas daubed on a Jewish cemetery in France. An anti-Semitic political campaign by Hungary’s far-right government. Labour lawmakers in Britain quitting...

American Kidnapped on Safari in Uganda and Held for $500,000 Ransom

KAMPALA, Uganda — An American woman touring one of Uganda’s most popular safari destinations was kidnapped with her local guide on Tuesday evening...

Ethiopian Crash Investigators Call for Inquiry Into Boeing Max Controls

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia — Ethiopian investigators said on Thursday that the pilots of a doomed Ethiopian Airlines Boeing Max jet repeatedly followed procedures...

He Built a Holocaust Memorial by a Far-Right Leader’s Home. Now...

BERLIN — Germany’s most notorious far-right politician, Björn Höcke, a man who has called the Holocaust memorial in Berlin “a monument of shame,”...
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