Tanner Tolbert Does Nutrisystem Diet to Avoid 20 Lb Weight Gain


Bachelor in Paradise alums Jade Roper and Tanner Tolbert are thrilled to be expecting baby No. 2 — but there’s something about the pregnancy weight that Tanner (yes, Tanner!) wants to change this time around.

“When Jade was having Emmy, I gained 25 pounds,” the dad tells Us of packing on sympathy pounds when his wife was pregnant with their now 17-month-old daughter. “I was up to 220, so, yeah, the weight gain was real for me.”

Jade, 32, doesn’t disagree. “He was the worst!” she confides to Us. “I would be like, ‘I’m going to eat a cookie,’ and then he would say, ‘Oh, me too.” But he didn’t stop there. “Then he’d eat like two or more of them,” she continues. “[I was like] ‘I can handle this — your body isn’t growing something inside of it!”

While Jade noticed his weight creep up, the 31-year-old Kansas City, Missouri resident didn’t have his own “aha” moment until he couldn’t fit into his clothes one day. “One time he was trying on a pair of pants and he was shocked they didn’t fit,” says Jade. “And I was like, ‘Ah! I know they don’t fit.’”

Tanner verifies her tale. “I didn’t step on a scale for a while there, so I didn’t know the weight gain was happening, but Jade was sort of telling me,” he says. “But that won’t happen this time around.”

After Jade and Tanner welcomed Emmy, they both started doing Nutrisystem to lose the extra weight. Still in a partnership with the home delivery company, Tanner is sticking with the celebrity-approved diet plan. “Jade has to change her diet, but I’m continuing with Nutrisystem,” he tells Us of his method. “We’re going to be smarter this time — I don’t want to have to lose 20 pounds again!”

Admitting he’s “not a big gym guy,” Tanner knows a healthy eating plan is the best way for him to maintain his weight. “We just ate a lot better and went on walks,” he explains of slimming down the first time. “It really was diet for me, and I lost the weight that way.”

With reporting by Travis Cronin

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Source : USmagazine