Teachers, Kids, Parents Give 4-Day School Week Mixed Reviews


After a Colorado school district switched to a four-day week this school year, students had to find something to do with their Mondays, NBC News reported.

27J Schools was the largest district to make the change, and at the end of the experiment’s first year, kids and parents have relished having three-day weekends while parents worried about child care for younger students and unstructured free time for older ones.

“I’ll be relieved that they’ll be back on a five-day schedule. It’s what pretty much every human on earth works or goes to school for,” said Brody Mathews, a small business owner with two children in elementary school.

But the district’s teachers are the lowest paid in the Denver metropolitan area and it’s seen more and more promising teacher applications since going down to four extended days of school instead of the traditional five.

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Source : Nbcnewyork