Teen Girls Strike for Global Action on Climate Change


In this Sept. 13, 2019, file photo, Swedish environment activist Greta Thunberg speaks at a climate protest outside the White House in Washington, D.C. Thunberg, 16, has spurred teenagers and students around the world to strike from school every Friday under the rallying cry “Fridays for Future” to call on adults to act now to save the planet.

Fridays for Future school strikes — a movement led largely by teenage girls — has eclipsed the quiet, solitary protests started by its founder, 16-year-old Swede Greta Thunberg, in August 2018. Now upward of 2 million supporters from The Hague to Kampala, Uganda, regularly skip class on Friday and take to the streets to protest government inaction on climate change.

Some 450 teen strikers from 38 countries gathered in Lausanne on the banks of Lake Geneva last month to figure out how to get the world to act now, NBC News reported.

Donning sundresses or sensible jeans and T-shirts, or rocking eye-catching hairdos in bright blues, greens and pinks, the girls were as diverse as their countries of origin. But they had found commonality in fighting climate change.

Source : Nbcnewyork