The 10 Greatest Ride or Die TV Siblings


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Family can either be your worst enemy or biggest support system. There’s no greater example of this than with Tyrion Lannister (Peter Dinklage) on Game of Thrones. Born a dwarf, he was considered a burden to the family by his father Tywin (Charles Dance) and sister Cersei (Lena Headey) and that lack of affection cut him right to the core. In contrast, his brother Jaime (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) has always tried to protect him, even when they weren’t on the same page. Strong bonds like that are comforting and that’s a feeling we could definitely use more of during such uncertain times. That’s why we’re looking at those unbreakable bonds, the ones forged by blood and an unwavering loyalty to one another. These are the 10 Greatest Ride or Die TV Siblings.

Damon and Stefan, The Vampire Diaries
Despite those steamy romances, The Vampire Diaries’ most epic love story is actually the unwavering brotherhood between Damon and Stefan Salvatore. Whether they were fighting over the same girl or teaming up to save their friends from the latest big bad, you could always count on those hunky siblings to have each other’s backs (and look ridiculously good while doing so).

Francis and Bash, Reign
Francis shared a pretty complicated relationship with his half-brother Bash. He was born of royal blood and Bash was a bastard, which should have made them enemies. In spite of their different social standings, however, they developed a deep sense of brotherhood — though it wasn’t always easy. Their relationship was often tested, like when they both fell for Mary, Queen of Scotts and Bash nearly replaced Francis as the next king of France, but through it all, these swoon-worthy brothers never forgot what it meant to be family.

Kara and Alex, Supergirl
These two might not come from the same species, but their unconditional love for each other proves that you don’t need to share the same blood in order to be sisters. Both have helped each other through a difficult journey to self-acceptance — Alex having Kara’s back after she took up the mantle of Supergirl and Kara supporting Alex’s relationship with Maggie — in a fierce display of sisterhood that keeps us coming back each week.

Jean-Ralphio and Mona-Lisa, Parks and Recreation
Some might call them trashy but I’d like to think of Jean-Ralphio and Mona-Lisa as iconic. Their huge hair, outrageous fashion and obnoxious personalities have made them a favorite among fans, mostly because of those memorable one-liners. (Jean-Ralphio calling his sister a “total klepto, nympho and pyro” will always be a banger.) They might not always have the best ideas, or any good ideas for that matter, but these resilient scammers hold a special place in hearts the world over.

Eric and Cory Matthews, Boy Meets World
“Life’s tough. Get a helmet,” Eric once told his neurotic younger brother Cory. That unforgettable piece of advice is one of the many reasons why we love the Matthews brothers. Through heartfelt talks and side-splitting shenanigans, they made us laugh, cry, laugh until we cried, and wish we could call these rambunctious TV siblings family. Whenever life got too hard, they were always there to pick each other up — who wouldn’t want to be a part of that?

Piper, Prue, Phoebe and Paige, Charmed
As the baddest witches on the block, Prue, Piper, Phoebe (and later Paige) served up the ultimate girl power when female heroes were few and far in between. Battling fierce demons, complicated relationships and even the patriarchy, this fierce trio stuck by each other through thick and thin and proved that saving the world isn’t necessarily a man’s job. The CW might be conjuring up a new Power of Three but these OG sisters are forever Charmed.

Ashley, Carlton and Hilary, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
Growing up on the mean streets of Bel-Air gave these wealthy siblings a strong sense of entitlement, and those egos were constantly checked by their lesser-privileged cousin Will. His constant scheming often forced them out of their comfort zone and into some truly bizarre situations, but the privileged trio always found a way to bounce back. Through the good, like having Bell Biv Devo film a music video in their living room, to the bad, like a sudden rainstorm destroying the furniture they moved outside for said video, no other rich family made us laugh harder or look deeper within than those loveable Banks.

Ben and Danny Wheeler, Baby Daddy
Not many brothers would step aside and let their sibling date the love of their life, which is why we give major props to Danny and Ben Wheeler. They both fell for the same girl and allowed those romantic feelings to be explored for the sake of each other’s happiness, despite their own heartache. In the end, Danny got the girl and Ben quickly moved on, proving that when it comes to the Wheelers, family trumps everything else.

Klaus and Elijah, The Originals
There’s no relationship more dysfunctional, heartbreaking or fascinating to watch unfold than Klaus and his enabling older brother Elijah. For over a century, they’ve bounced back and forth between loyal siblings and mortal enemies, with Elijah once plotting to have Klaus killed (but backed out at the last minute) and Klaus constantly threatening his brother with violence. Through their many ups and downs, however, they’ve never forgotten that all-important vow: family above all, always and forever. It’s a mantra they lived by and in The Originals series finale, ultimately died by.

Sam and Dean, Supernatural
Demon hunting is risky business and no one does it better than the badass Winchester brothers. In a profession that comes with a short lifespan, Sam and Dean have come out the other side of many a close call because of their willingness to make the ultimate sacrifice in order to save the other. No matter what gets thrown at them, like being possessed by an archangel or getting turned into a cartoon, they’ll always find a way to protect each other. It’s kinda their thing.

Source : TVGuide