The Bachelorette Becca Episode 6 Reactions: Chris Can’t Calm Down – Today’s News: Our Take


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Alright, so this was a stupid episode of television, even for The Bachelorette. Does anyone even know what Chris and Lincoln were fighting about? What started that? They just needed to fight, right? Aggro, emotionally unstable dudes have to get their energy out through conflict, I guess.

Chris — whose look and vibe reminds me of Bobby Bottleservice — continued his meltdown from last week. In the previous episode, he was upset that Becca wasn’t paying enough attention to him and almost left the show. Becca gave him a rose, but not before he had a tense moment with Wills over time with the Bachelorette. He interrupted Wills’ time, and Wills gave him a minute because he’s a nice guy. But Chris refused to get up when his time was up. He displaced his frustration onto Wills. And this week he displaced it onto Lincoln.

And Lincoln, of course, is a sex criminal. His presence on this show is disturbing, and it’s impossible to be entertained by his storyline with the knowledge that he shouldn’t be there. His presence on the show is a mistake. He’s capable of very bad stuff.

Chris said he wanted to focus on his relationship with Becca on the group date and that Lincoln was “dead” to him, but he couldn’t leave it alone, especially after Lincoln started taking shots at him during the Lincoln-Douglass debate.

Chris didn’t start the fight, but he took it to an insane place. He said Lincoln was “malicious” and that Becca would be “disgusted” if she knew the real him. He said Lincoln called him a “fat f—,” because Chris had lost over 100 pounds. It was too vitriolic, especially in front of an audience of people who had no idea what this was all about and were just there to have a good time.

It was really deranged, and Becca was embarrassed. Again. It cast a pall over the cocktail party, and the other guys were like “Chris, you need to calm down.”

But Chris cannot calm down. He pulled Becca aside, and Becca told him Lincoln said he felt threatened by him, and the other guys worried he might get physical. Becca was very upset.

Chris went back to the other dudes and confronted Lincoln about not putting respect on his name. Then Garrett came down and let loose on Chris for putting Becca in a bad headspace that’s affecting all of them. She cut his time short to take some time alone to gather herself. The other guys are really sick of Chris’ nonsense. As usual, Wills had the best reaction.

Fans didn’t understand why Becca didn’t just send Chris and Lincoln home during the group date. She’s obviously not into either of them enough to tolerate the mental drain they’re putting on her.

Before the rose ceremony, Chris was writing something in his notebook. Obviously nothing good was going to come of that.

He went for a walk outside, which means producers were letting him off the chain to wild out. He went to Becca’s hotel room and surprised her. She was too polite to tell him to go away, but she was like, “What are you doing here?” He wanted to tell her that he could see himself getting married to her at the end of this. And she was like “last week you wanted to leave.”

She had had enough of his weirdness, and told him she was a little scared of him. It was time for him to go. He didn’t want her to walk him out.

“I think Chris is just a very angry person,” she said. “He’s not the guy I want in my life, ever.” Harsh but fair!

And then Lincoln got eliminated during the rose ceremony. All’s well that ends well.

The Bachelorette airs Mondays at 8/7c on ABC.

Source : TVGuide