The Bachelorette Season 15 Episode 4 Recap: Luke P. vs. Luke S.


The Bachelorette finally hit the road this week. The show headed to Newport, Rhode Island, a place I like, and Boston, Massachusetts, a place I don’t like. Boston is a city that thinks it’s better than it is. No one outside of Boston likes Boston. But its chilly weather gave Hannah an opportunity to wear a leather jacket bedazzled with spikes and Jed to wear a nice shearling jacket on their one-on-one. They went to the Cheers bar and hung out with some Boston Celtics, which led to a wonderful moment in which Jaylen Brown had to pretend like he was interested in hearing about Hannah’s relationship with Jed. Also, there was some great product placement for Halo Top. I love Halo Top! I didn’t get paid for that, I’m just endorsing it because it’s good!

During their one-on-one, Jed admitted that he came on the show to promote his music career, but now he’s genuinely falling for Hannah. Is it a good move or a bad move to be honest about that? I’m not sure. Hannah was OK with it, because she told him she’s “catching feels” and she gave him a rose.

The group date was playing rugby in a fort under a very gray sky. It was like Game of Thrones. It was very violent. Honestly, I’m kind of surprised the show let the guys tackle each other without padding. I was thinking “someone is going to get injured doing this.” And lo and behold, Kevin dislocated his shoulder. And then Luke P., of course, took it too far. He was playing too rough and body-slammed Luke S., aka Baby Nick Viall. I forgot about him! “I never want to see him again and I hope I don’t see much more of him,” Luke S. said. You won’t, Luke, but you’re the one who’s going to be leaving.

During the group date cocktail party, the guys were all talking amongst themselves like “Luke P. is a lunatic,” and then Hannah summoned him first to try to get to the bottom of what was going on. Luke P. said Luke S. acted like he was gonna punch him, so Luke P. “put him on his back.” Yikes! Luke P. said Luke S. only talks about his liquor company and never talks about Hannah. Then it was Luke S.’s turn to explain himself. He said Luke P. did all that stuff, and then added that he kneed him in the head. But then Hannah was like, “I heard you don’t like Luke, though.” But Luke S. said it’s not just him who doesn’t like Luke P., it’s everyone. And then Hannah DROPPED THE BOMB on him: “I heard you don’t talk about me; you only talk about your tequila brand.” Sorry, Luke S. You seem like an OK dude, and I feel bad that Hannah likes Luke P. more than you.

Then all the guys started telling her about their problems with Luke P. Then Luke P. came back to sit with all the guys to try to explain himself some more, and all the guys were like “shuuut uuup you suck so bad stop making everything about you.” The other guys all left, until it was just the two Lukes left in the room.

Luke S. started telling Luke P. about how he’s a psychopath and he hopes he never sees him again, and Luke P. was like, “I hope we can start to get to know each other on a deeper level.” It was weird. Garrett got the group date rose.

The next one-on-one started with Hannah sitting on a dock and crying about the Luke P. situation. “I’m just not all right today.” She wasn’t really in the mood to hang out with goofy Tyler C. And she told him all about it. She was honest about her feelings. “I want today to be fun, but I’m just not that fun right now,” and Tyler was like “it’s OK, I want to be the guy next to you at the end of this, so I’ll take you however you are.” It was sweet. Tyler seems like a good dude. He said the right thing, but he didn’t say it in an insincere way. Then they went lobster fishing and ended up having a good time.

Their date was really good! Hannah seemed very honest and not performative with him. Tyler had his rehearsed thing, though. He told his sob story about his dad almost dying and then watching The Bachelor with him as he recovered from his surgery and his dad saying “that’s your girl.” It was nice, though. Tyler seems like a sincere guy. He has the good kind of chill confidence. Then they got serenaded by Jake Owen, who I think is a pretty popular country guy.

At the rose ceremony cocktail party, Pilot Peter asked Hannah if she wanted to officially be his girlfriend. It was cute. “I love talking to Peter,” Hannah said. “I love making out with Peter even more.” Mike said Hannah could be his fourth and final queen, after his sister, mother, and grandmother. Have I told you that I don’t care for Mike? Because I doooooon’t. Mike confronted Luke P. about Luke P. being the cause of Hannah’s unhappiness. Luke P. was like “actually Luke S. is” and kinda admitted to stepping on Luke S.’s head. “You’re a psychopath,” Mike said. “That’s who you are.” Then in an ITM, Luke P. pulled up the dictionary definition of “psychopath” and was like “I’m the opposite of that.” I thought that was very funny. What about the Urban Dictionary definition? “Leaving your husband for another man after 20 years of marriage with 3 young innocent children,” according to “Married Man 101.” Yeah, that’s actually not Luke P. At least not yet.

Luke S. tried to defend himself again and Hannah literally went “Mmhmm, yeah.” She’s sooooooo not into Luke S. to a degree that I’m surprised he’s even still here. He went back and confronted Luke P. about how Hannah doesn’t trust him because of the tequila thing. Luke S. asked him to go tell Hannah the truth, and Luke P. went and told her that he doesn’t think Luke S. is here for the right reasons and told her that Luke S. told him to come tell her good things about him. And Hannah was like “Luke S., I like Luke P. more than you, so I see both sides of this situation, even though Luke P. is clearly in the wrong.” Hannah called them both in to talk to her to get to the bottom of what was going on, and then CLIFFHANGER.

Next week it’s Luke Thunderdome. We’ll see how that goes.

The Bachelorette airs Mondays at 8/7c on ABC. It’s available to stream on Hulu.

Source : TVGuide